A Showdown Is Approaching – Will Arizona Prevail?

by Jack Lee


It’s the hot button topic of our decade: Arizona has asserted their state’s right and passed their own form of immigration reform. President Obama immediately called it a mistake and unwise. Other interests, including Attorney General Eric Holder, have indicated they will file suit challenging the new immigration law as unconstitutional. Lindsey Graham, a Republican lawmaker was also quick to call Arizona’s law unconstitutional. Cardinal Mahoney representing the Catholic Church in the US went even farther than the above critics and called the new law Nazi-like!

However, Arizona’s law only mirrors a federal law that has stood the test of time (and Constitutional challenge) since 1940 and it does not grant police any new powers.

President Philipe Calderon of Mexico had the harshest words, he said harassment of Mexican citizens will not be tolerated and that Arizona’s law was racist and affront to human rights! Calderon claimed this law would breed discrimination and hate. The Mexican president went on to say his country would not stand idly by in the face of a policy that infringed basic human rights and promised to raise it with President Barack Obama during a visit to Washington next month. Strong words from a President who’s country is on the list of nations known for rampant violations of civil and human rights.

In contrast to Calderon’s critcism, it’s the law for every municipality, every district, every state and every federal organization in Mexico that they must demand proof of citizenship before you can even speak to an official, apply for aid, enroll your children in school or even make a complaint to police.

Numerous studies have shown that illegal’s traveling through Mexico trying to reach the US are routinely shot at by border police and sometimes killed. They are set upon by Mexican gangs who rob and beat them and 6 in 10 females are raped. Arrested illegal migrants often are tortured and robbed by Mexican police. In custody beatings are routine in jails and filthy detention camps where detainees are starved. Mexico has been so brutal towards illegal immigration that Amnesty International has labeled them as one of the worst countries in the world for human rights violations. Calderon has been silent on these human rights violations. Apparently the definition of human rights and immigration depends on location.

What does immigration reform mean to us? Well, now it depends on who you’re asking. To the people of this country immigration reform means having a coherent and fair law to allow temporary migrant labor, the deportation of criminals and a secure border. We believe that mass immigration is no longer feasible as it once was a century ago. America has changed and in modern times mass, unchecked, immigration is a security risk, it adversely affects our society in education, welfare, crime, health care and creates unacceptable and unsustainable overall costs to governance.

To the former Bush Administration and now the Obama Administration immigration reform was in large part a path to citizenship, which is a complete opposite of the popular will of the people. So why isn’t our government following the will of the people? A powerful special interest within the GOP needs to exploit the cheap illegal labor force and the Democrats see illegal immigration as a way to expand the already large Hispanic voting block. Backing the Democrats are thousands of lawyers and lobbyists working for LaRaza and other Hispanic only groups that are determined undermine any attempt to secure the Southern border.

The majority of American people have been quite clear about they want in immigration reform and the most recent polling (1- 60% approve and only 31% oppose it) proves we strongly support Arizona’s immigration effort. But, you won’t ever hear the MSM talking about this 2 to 1 support for Arizona and that’s dishonest reporting and typical of the leftist element dominating the media. Currently 77% of Arizona’s approve of their new law and the popularity is spreading to Texas and they are now considering a similar law.

By all accounts the immigration law in Arizona is even handed, but even if you think it isn’t, the conditions here have no rational comparison to the rampant, routinely brutal treatment and blatant racism directed at illegal aliens crossing through Mexico! This massive gap in human rights begs the question, why aren’t you [protestors] of Arizona protesting the human rights violation in Mexico, instead of planning protests marches in the US on May 1st?

1- Rasmussen Reports telephone survey finds that 60% of voters nationwide favor a law that authorizes local police to stop and verify the immigration status of anyone they suspect of being an illegal immigrant, while 31% are opposed.

Seventy-seven percent (77%) of Republicans support the law along with 62% of voters not affiliated with either major party. Democratic voters are evenly divided on the measure.

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