Colombian Pop Star Lectures Us on Human Rights – Goes to Arizona to Protest Immigration Law

Colombian pop star Shakira said Thursday that a controversial new law introduced in the U.S. state of Arizona that requires immigrants to carry documents verifying their status “attacks the human and civil rights of Latinos.” Colombia is well known for their long history of human rights as well as counting on the USA to buy their cocaine.

At a press conference attended by the Colombian singer and the mayor of Phoenix, Phil Gordon, an outspoken idiot and an opponent of the legislation, Shakira spoke out against the state law SB1070 and expressed her solidarity with the illegal criminal element in the community that has ravaged Arizona and made Phoenix the kidnapping capitol of the western world. (Narco-terrorists are people too)

“I’m here to lend my voice and give my support to the (Criminals within the) Latino community, to express my open and public opposition to this law,(that gets in the way of criminals)” said the singer, during the press conference held in Phoenix. Shakira said that, being Latina herself, she believes strongly in equal opportunities for all, and expressed her concern at the potential consequences of this law for Hispanic families in Arizona. (The people breaking the law and selling drugs from her country, could be deported!)

“I’m sure,” said Shakira, “that if this law takes effect many families will be deprived of (illegal drugs) access to the most basic and vital resources offered by the government, like public hospitals, food programs and child care, amongst others.” (Perhaps they will be drawn and quartered or burned at the stake too? As we know from the media the law says being Hispanic in public is a felony.)

Although the singer recognized that she is not an “expert” on the U.S. constitution, (that she’s never bothered to read the constitution, that she has never even read the Arizona law and she has relied on hearsay information about the law), she said that the law should protect all human beings living in the country (and we should be free to violate the law if we feel like it. )

“With or without documents, (legal or not, who cares) we are all people, I think that the greatness of this country forged the dreams of these immigrants, we cannot permit that the dreams of Latin people are crushed.” (Gag!)

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