Not to Be Outdone…Democrats Compose “Blueprint” for Tough New Immigration Law

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Posted by Tina

Just in time for the May Day Celebrations a leaked “blueprint” emerges!

Democrats were projected to be in trouble in the coming elections even before they started slamming supporters of Arizona’s immigration law as racists and Nazis! Now the bad news from Rasmussen suggests that 60% of Americans favor letting local police stop and verify immigration status. In Arizona 70% of citizens support the new law. In fact, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer’s approval rating in the state is up 16 points. That adds up to a lot of approval and support for border security and strict enforcement of our laws.

Information leaked yesterday about a Democrat proposal for national immigration reform suggests that the Nazi/racist rhetoric following passage of this bill has grown toxic for Democrats in Congress. You see, it’s an election year and they now know they must run, run, run, run, run to the right for any hope at all of retaining power in Congress. They can’t count on a lot of help from the President who prefers the noncimmital position so other tactics come into play…like a leaked immigration proposal. From the New York Times (who else?):

…enforcement would be more far-reaching than anything in place now — or anything proposed by the administration of President George W. Bush. ** It begins with “zero tolerance” for immigrants trying to enter the country illegally, by tightening border enforcement and by barring them from taking jobs in the United States. ** The blueprint, written primarily by Mr. Schumer, includes a proposal for a Social Security card containing a biometric chip that all workers, including American citizens, would have to present to an employer when being hired. ** The proposal was presented by Mr. Schumer, Mr. Reid, Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey, Dianne Feinstein of California and Richard J. Durbin of Illinois. Employers would be responsible for monitoring the immigration status of potential hires much more closely than they do now. Every employer would be required to use a new verification system, including a scanner at every business to confirm the validity of the Social Security cards of job applicants.

Ugh….It’s always, “far more reaching” when the left media speaks about Democrat proposals; they are always better, faster, more! Like most election year proposals this is just so much blah, blah, blah. I don’t expect anything to come of it; they just desperately need that voting center back!!!

So how does a Democrat suggest “zero tolerance” and still avoid being called racist? He makes EVERYONE “show papers”! (ta da)

Hey…if this idea ever does become law will we all have to worry about taking the kids out for ice cream?

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