The Folly of Liberalism


Posted by Tina

The complete folly of modern liberal thinking is made clear in this one simple example…a school lunch program:

The french fries offered separately from the main meal for $1.50 went quickly during a recent lunch period at Wakefield High School’s cafeteria. Many students were not enthusiastic about the $2 meal designed to meet certain nutrition standards – a choice of a slice of pizza, a beef and cheese slider or a spicy chicken sandwich with servings of green beans, salad or fruit. ** Oyinkan Olusesi, a sophomore at the Raleigh school, didn’t eat that day. She said $2 is too much to pay for a school cafeteria meal when more appealing food can be had elsewhere at competitive prices. “A lot of people are going to McDonald’s because of their dollar menu,” she said. ** What Olusesi may not know is that her school cafeteria is losing money on every $2 meal it can entice students to buy. The Wake school board recently raised the price to $2.25, but that still won’t cover the food program’s cost. –

1. You can lead a kid to healthy food but you can’t force him to buy it at school…yet.

2. Raising the price of the meal (think tax rates) will not result in more revenue to cover costs…why would students jump at the chance to pay more for something they have already rejected as too expensive?

3. There is nothing wrong with a hamburger and chips or fries…or pizza! These are foods that kids will eat and the small portions offered in a school lunch will not make them fat…here’s the big bonus…they might actually eat it!

4. Complete nutrition is a parents responsibility. If the school can’t at least break even (without waisting tons of food) it should drop the school lunch program.

5. Weeping and gnashing of teeth won’t change these basic truths.

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