League of Women Voters and the Flag Salute

by Jack Lee


Last night the League of Women Voters hosted an election debate between the Supervisorial candidates in Butte County. The meeting was proceeding smoothly, except for one thing that seemed to be missing, it was the flag salute.

The two competing candidates for the 3rd District were about to speak in the second hour of the two hour event. Maureen Kirk gave her two minute opening and then it was Erny Spears turn. However, instead of launching into his two minute opener, Erny Spears started saying something about having respect for the flag and this being a patriotic political meeting, he suggested the other conservative candidate, Larry Wahl, lead them in the flag salute. Wahl hesitated for a brief moment as others in the audience groaned loudly in protest.

The forum moderator was obviously taken completely by surprise and was stunned. Then she briefly uttered something to the effect, “You can’t do that!” But, it was too late and at least 60% of the audience was on their feet and Wahl was coming down the isle and ready to lead the Flag Salute.


The Pledge of Allegiance went forward while some of the members of the LWV were still seated, searching each others faces, looking for some guidance and being apparently unsure if this was the right protocol or not. It took some of the more reluctant ladies almost until the end of the pledge to stand up, but as far as I know they all did eventually and then it was over.

The two time keepers seemed so rattled by this unexpected event that I believe Erny Spears was shorted some of his opening time. It sure appeared that way to several of us near the front row.

If people remember absolutely nothing that Spears said this night, they will sure remember that flag salute and the stunned women who were so slow to rise.

What do you think, should the League start their meetings with a flag salute or is this now passe’?

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