“Menopause Was Change Enough for Me.”


I sure had to chuckle over that quote from one of the many women across America involved in the Tea Party movement. I lifted it from an article by Michael Graham in the Wall Street Journal where I also discovered this happy news:

…a recent Quinnipiac poll of voters found a majority of tea party supporters–55%–are women.

Hmmm, so much for theories that the Tea Party movement is just for a bunch of angry balding white guys! Seems there are plenty of women who don’t like where this administration and our Congress are taking the country. These women, many of them moms and grandmas, are working hard to see that the bums are held accountable and get tossed ASAP. Isn’t that just like a mom! Well done ladies; well done moms!!

Wishing all of the moms and grandmoms out there a very Happy Mother’s Day from Jack, Steve and Tina at your favorite, Post Scripts.

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