One Mothers Challenge


“I believe God has a reason for everything. I hold on to that.”

On one horrible night in September, Kay Jemsek discovered a strength within herself, inherited from her mother, to do whatever it takes to protect her child.

She was still grieving over her mother’s death from cancer six weeks earlier, still feeling lonely and tearful. Then she learned that she had breast cancer. As devastated as she was, three days later none of that mattered.

Her 5-year-old daughter, Jordan, was diagnosed with leukemia.

Kay cried for hours and hours and on through the night. Not for her mother. Not for herself. But for her little girl. Jordan was all she could think about…

Click on the link below to finish reading this heartwarming salute to a brave, loving mom:

“A mother’s test of faith,” by Elizabeth Leland – Charlotte Observer

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