by Jack Lee
Los Angeles is the largest U.S. city to join the boycott against Arizona, refusing to do business with any Arizona based business. It’s estimated that the boycotting could cost the state around $53 million this year alone.
L.A. Councilman Ed Reyes (see left), explained his reasons for voting for a boycott, “I cannot go to Arizona today without a passport. If I come across an officer who’s having a bad day and feels that the picture on my ID is not me, I can be … deported, no questions asked. That is not American.” There’s something not American here alright and it’s Ed Reyes. He just deceived the America public, he told an outright lie. His statement is 100% false! Anyone can read this law, it’s the same as the federal law. It’s been around for over 60 years and has stood the test of time and Constitutionality. Reyes is pandering to special interests.
Still, another national opinion poll released Wednesday found that most Americans support Arizona’s crackdown. The Pew Research Center for the People and the Press found that 59% of adults surveyed gave their overall approval to the Arizona law. On Tuesday, San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors approved a resolution similar to L.A’s.
Los Angeles council members compared Arizona’s action to Nazi Germany and the beginning of the Holocaust, as well as the internment and deportation of Japanese Americans during World War II.
The misrepresentation by unscrupulous politicians and subversives for open borders to change the culture of the United States and the laws of the land through illegal immigration is only too obvious. Yet this false rhetoric, much of it coming from the Marxist leftwing is being swallowed up and believed by most Hispanics under age 40 says the latest polling. The majority of Hispanics over 40 tend to see it a little differently. They are older and wiser and they have made an investment in this country. Many of them had to come through the system the legal way and they can appreciate what is at risk.
At this time about 61% of American’s back Arizona, 10% are undecided and 29% are against Arizona. (WSJ polling) This is a two to one margin in favor of Arizona’s right to enforce the law of the land regarding illegal aliens, so why isn’t the media reporting it this way?
“We are pleased that one of the largest immigrant hubs in the United States of America is sending the message that bigotry and xenophobia will not stand,” said Angelica Salas, executive director of the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles.
“An immigrant city, an international city, (Los Angeles) needs to have its voice heard,” Councilman Ed Reyes said. “It is crucial this great city take a stand.” The resolution is expected to be signed by Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. The resolution claims that Arizona’s new law encourages racial profiling and is unconstitutional.
Oddly, cities passing resolutions for boycott have never sought a legal opinion before their vote. It’s almost as if they didn’t want to let the facts get in the way.
The leftist rhetoric and gross mischaracterizing of Arizona’s law is fueling an explosive mix of racism and international Marxism. The target is America’s conservative population that supports, Constitutional border and immigration control, capitalism and democracy. However, you are not likely to hear about this agenda unless you are an insider at LaRaza, Mecha, or attending an anti-Arizona immigration rally on a UC campus or you are a member of a communist organization like the Worker’s of the World Party that sponsors many such events. This is a subversion movement; let’s make no mistake about it. These are Marxists leveraging off the theme of supporting the poor and down trodden. They claim their only motive is to seek social justice, but sometimes the truth just slips out as it did in the video where an overly confident LaRaza speaker incites revolution at a UC campus rally.
This is a bad situation that is building momentum and if it is left unchecked it threatens to pit Americans against Americans. It will create a hostile climate for ethnic and race relations and turn multiculturalism into a reason for violence. Let me be absolutely clear, I am telling you right here, right now – this is a VERY dangerous situation, perhaps the worst internal problem we’ve faced since the civil war and we better get a grip on it. Marxists movements, campus radicals, La Raza, Mecha, leftist politicians using minorities for votes, all the way down to rash city councils pushing for boycott are all setting the stage for violence. When that genie is out of the bottle it will be a disaster for everyone.
Cooler heads, backed by reason and facts better return soon or this will explode.