Posted by Tina
“Calderon Criticism of Arizona Law Overlooks Mexico’s Tough Immigration Policy” FOX News
Mexican President Felipe Calderon has been ripping into Arizona’s immigration law as he tours Washington — while appearing to disregard the way his own country cracks down on immigrants along Mexico’s southern border. ** Mexico repeatedly has been cited by human rights groups for abusing or turning a blind eye to the abuse of migrants from Central America. Until recently, Mexican law made illegal immigration a criminal offense — anyone arrested for the violation could be fined, imprisoned for up to two years and deported. Mexican lawmakers changed that in 2008 to make illegal immigration a civil violation like it is in the United States, but their law still reads an awful lot like Arizona’s. ** Arizona’s policy, which Calderon derided on Wednesday as “discriminatory” and assailed again on Thursday, requires law enforcement to try to determine the immigration status of anyone they suspect of being an illegal immigrant — provided they are already in contact with that person. They can’t randomly stop people and demand papers and the law prohibits racial profiling. ** The Mexican law also states that law enforcement officials are “required to demand that foreigners prove their legal presence in the country before attending to any issues.” (bold emphasis mine)
Mexican law mirrors Arizonas law which mirrors American law. President Calderon’s remarks also mirror those of President Obama who hasn’t bothered to read the bill or check the content’s similarities to both Mexican and American law. Both leaders have spoken irresponsibly inciting reactions in the people that could invoke riots. This error shows poor leadership and repflects a lousy diplomatic policy. President Obama’s remarks soon after the law was passed set the stage for this terrible display of ignorance and carelessness.
As everyone knows the only people in America who are so heartless as to report illegal immigrants to the immigration cops are evil conservative Republicans like those profiling fascists in Arizona, right? Right? Well not so fast there, Bubba. Left wing wunderkind, Bill Richardson, Democrat and waiting-for-indictment corruptocrat, lame-duck governor of New Mexico, has ordered the state department of children’s and family services to begin reporting illegal immigrant children to ICE. …
HT American Thinker