Judge Rules – Humans Have Rights Too!


Posted by Tina

Not that I expect this to be the end of it….

It will go down as a landmark decision. U.S. District Judge OIiver W. Wagner ruled this week that people have rights. That may sound a bit daffy but in the wacky world of California water politics people take second class citizen status behind fish and even vegetation. In a nutshell, Wagner ruled that federal water officials must consider humans along with fish when it comes to divvying up how California’s most precious resource – water – is discharged or moved through the Delta. ** The judge also directed the federal government to stop using what he termed “guestimations” instead of precise scientific studies to determine the exact impact reduced water would have on the fish population. – Manteca Bulletin

It’s still quite refreshing to have the courts consider human need along with the environmental concerns about fish, field mice and the spotted owl. A balance in nature must include human beings.

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