Trying To Make a Difference and Getting Slammed

by Jack Lee

It never ceases to amaze how rude or illogical people can be when it comes to politics. You want to try and experiment to see my point? Just carry some political yard signs up to somebodies house and ask if you can put one up. See what kind of a reception you get. I have a list of republican households that I went to the other day and this is the kind of junk I ran into:

Knock-knock, “Hello Sir, I’m putting up signs for Mr. XYZ, a conservative republican, and I was wondering if I could I put this sign in the corner of your yard? “No we don’t do that. We’re good republicans, but we don’t allow yard signs supporting republicans.”

Knock-knock, “Hello, I’m putting up signs for XYZ, a good republican, and I was wondering if I could I put this sign out there in your yard? (door slams shut)

Knock-knock. . . “We’re conservatives and we’ll “probably” vote for XYZ but we don’t want any yard signs. No, we won’t help you with fund raising either. No, we don’t want to attend any republican meetings. No, we don’t know who’s running, but we’re good conservatives.”

Knock-knock. . . “Well I consider myself a conservative, but I don’t trust any politicians, they say they’re going to do one thing and then they don’t. I don’t like anybody going into politics.”

Knock-knock. . .”We don’t do that. Bye.”

Knock-knock. . .”Who is Mr. XYZ?” Well sir, let me explain sir, …and 5 minutes later after a detailed explanation, “Well, like I said I don’t know him so, I don’t want the yard sign and I won’t vote for him.”

And Republicans wonder why they are losing in California? Too many out here are like these people. They won’t donate any time for a campaign. They don’t contribute to anyone or anything. They don’t want to be bothered by hearing about a candidate. They won’t go to any GOP events and they don’t bother to know the issues or they think every candidate is a bum. They won’t even help out with a crummy free yard sign. But, they still think they are wonderful republicans and they gripe about how bad this state is getting. Give me a break.

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