Mexico’s President Squirms Over Questions on Immigration

God bless the people of Arizona. Nailed to the cross by leftist activists and the U.S. and Mexican governments, Arizona continues to endure treachery and scourge from those with a self-serving agenda. Without a shred of empathy, attackers have wantonly launched yet another salvo from the flanks of Arizona.

This past week, President Obama, Mexico’s Calderon and the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE) hurled more spears into the chest of Arizona. These incredible acts formalize “The Great Immigration Conspiracy” of the century.

To the people of Arizona: do not be disheartened, the majority of Americans are behind you. Stick to your guns and protect your citizens. We must preserve our sovereignty and stand united in the face of these troubling times.

As the conspiracy expands, it makes loyal, patriotic Americans stronger and more determined to resist political pressure from far-left antagonists. Besides the insidious actions of some, including our own government, the disparaging attacks by Mexico’s Calderon confirms the need to unite, hunker down and fight the good fight.

This fight is against droves of illegal (criminal) immigrants, drug cartels, human traffickers, our own federal government, demagoguery, self-serving sister states, disoriented activist groups in the U.S. and now the government of Mexico!

No foreign leader has the right to stand before the U.S. Congress as a guest and criticize our internal affairs as Mexico’s President Felipe Calderon did last week. For his insolence towards the American people, Calderon owes us an apology. In addition, for the cheering and applause during Calderon’s speech on the House floor, Obama and Congress owe the American people an apology.

Calderon claims the Arizona law “discriminates against foreign-born workers.” He also said, “. . . it is the responsibility of both the American and the Mexican governments to repair a ‘broken, inefficient’ immigration system.” Acting like Obama’s lackey, he further suggested Congress pass an immigration reform law as a means to secure the border. He also asked for banning assault weapons, and termed Arizona’s law as a “terrible” endorsement of racial profiling.

It is ludicrous for the president of Mexico, a country fraught with serious problems of their own, telling us what to do about crime particularly in Arizona–crimes committed largely by his own nationals.

Mr. Calderon, you let your bilge flow into our country, and then have the gall to criticize us for trying to do something about it. You molly-coddle and encourage illegal migrant Mexicans to usurp American entitlements at taxpayer expense, while chastising Arizona for trying to uphold U.S. laws.

Mr. Calderon, not all Americans are stupid. Your behavior is obviously a political ploy, ammunition for the Obama administration and unscrupulous Americans who continue to torment Arizona for doing what is right. Aside from the non-criminal illegal immigrants, we are absorbing your criminals, your war on drugs, your economic woes and supporting your citizens with free education and health care, and all the rest.

What if we encouraged our problematic indigents and hardened criminals to flee to Mexico and spread cancerous acts of violence and human atrocities. Mr. Calderon, how would you deal with it? As you said in your speech as regards illegal Mexicans in the U.S. and the Arizona law, would you be bothered that illegal U.S. migrants “live in the shadows, and at times, as in Arizona, confront patterns of discrimination”?

I think not.

Mr. Calderon, in your country, “discrimination” has a very different, harsh meaning: “barbarism” is more like it. There are too many cases to cite here, but before you criticize us, why not look at your laws and study your record as regards illegal immigrants and the Arizona law.

A good neighbor should clean his own house before commenting on another.

In fact, the Arizona legislation is very similar to your “Reglamento de la Ley General de Poblacion,” the General Law on Population enacted in Mexico in April 2000. The law mandates federal, local and municipal police to cooperate with Mexico’s immigration authorities in the arrests of illegal immigrants.

In a CNN interview on May 20, you admitted that until a year ago, illegal immigration was a felony, which carried a sentence of up to two years in prison. Furthermore, if deported, illegal immigrants who tried to reenter your borders would likely spend ten year in prison. Moreover, visa violators were subject to six years in prison, and anyone aiding illegal immigrants was a criminal.

Mr. Calderon, despite recent changes in your laws, it is a well know fact that your country is a top abuser of illegal immigrants. Your corrupt police often brutalize even foreign visitors who happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

For example, in May 2006, Mexican police reportedly attacked photographers of the press in the Atenco, Mexico police siege. The police beat photographers and TV cinematographers from AP, Reuters, Milenio, Jornada and Televisa. They also attempted to confiscate their cameras. During the siege, the police shot several protesters in the head, at close range with metal gas pellets. Furthermore, according to a defense lawyer, police reportedly raped five women in police vans when taken to jail.

Mexico has a pitiful history of police brutality.

According to an Amnesty International report, there is still “widespread abuse of migrants in Mexico,” mainly because Article 67 of Mexico’s immigration law requires law officers to demand of foreigners, proof of legal presence in the country. How is this much different from Arizona’s immigration law?

Rupert Knox, Mexico Researcher at Amnesty International said, “Migrants in Mexico are facing a major human rights crisis leaving them with virtually no access to justice, fearing reprisals and deportation if they complain of abuses.” Mr. Calderon, you have failed miserably with regard to human rights and the treatment of Mexico’s illegal immigrants, and have fanned the fires of internal discourse in the U.S.

Nonetheless, Mexico’s president is not the only adversary in The Great Immigration Conspiracy. Our own government, specifically officials of the U.S. Homeland Security and ICE has put politics before their fiduciary duties of law enforcement.

John Morton, Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security for ICE said his agency will not necessarily process illegal immigrants referred to them by Arizona officials. The best way to reduce illegal immigration is through a comprehensive federal approach, not a patchwork of state laws. “I don’t think the Arizona law, or laws like it, are the solution,” he told a newspaper reporter.

According to Janet Napolitano, chief of Homeland Security, “ICE has the legal discretion to accept or not to accept persons delivered to it by non-federal personnel. It also has the discretion to deport or not to deport persons delivered to it by any government agents, even its own.”

In other terms, Felipe Calderon, Homeland Security and ICE are not willing to do their jobs, but are willing to criticize and crucify Arizona for doing theirs. Where is the justice? Where is enforcement of national security?

The Great Immigration Conspiracy is now in full view, exposed for what it is.

God help Arizona. God help America.

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