Corporatist governments of the past include the following, according to a San Jose State paper:
National Corporatism. Italy, 1922-1945, Benito Mussolini
Country, Religion, Monarchy, Spain, 1923-1930, Miguel Primo de Rivera
National Socialism, Germany, 1933-1945, Adolph Hitler
National Syndicalism, Spain, 1936-1973, Francisco Franco
New State Portugal, 1932-1968, Antonio Salazar
New State Brazil, 1933-1945, Getulio Vargas
New Deal United States, 1933-1945, Franklin Roosevelt
Third, Hellenic, Civilization, Greece, 1936-1941, Ioannis Metaxas
Justice Party, Argentina, 1943-1955, Juan Peron
In the last half of the 19th century people of the working class in Europe were beginning to show interest in the ideas of socialism and syndicalism. Some members of the intelligentsia, particularly the Catholic intelligentsia, decided to formulate an alternative to socialism which would emphasize social justice without the radical solution of the abolition of private property. The result was called Corporatism. The name had nothing to do with the notion of a business corporation except that both words are derived from the Latin word for body, corpus.
Find another good article about corporatism in America from Frontpage Magazine here.