by Jack Lee


(A cell-phone video of the fatal shooting by a Border Patrol agent was aired Wednesday evening on news programs on the Spanish-language Univision television network. Courtesy Univision)

It is the second death in less than two weeks of a Mexican national at the hands of U.S. authorities. The ever violent and bigoted US border police have killed an innocent, unarmed Mexican national, but this time the American thugs crossed into Mexico and they did it for no reason at all! (or so the story goes.)

This is the story coming from Mexico and Mexico’s president Calderon is outraged and says they will take whatever action is necessary to protect their citizens. I wonder if this will include keeping their citizens on their side of the border? Mexican authorities say they have strong evidence that the US border patrol entered their territory. The evidence is a .40 cal. shell casing of the same type that US border patrol uses found near the victims body. But, video evidence indicates this was planted.

Mexican officials blame the shooting on blatant racism generated over Arizona’s new immigration law.

Shortly after the shooting Mexico’s federal police and soldiers responded to the scene and shouted insults at the US police. When FBI agents investigating the scene and attempted to search for evidence in the mud at the river’s edge, Mexican authorities pointed their weapons at the agents and forced them to retreat. A bystander told reporters the Mexican police said they would kill the agents if they attempted to cross the shallow Rio Grande River that divides the two countries.

Video evidence has since surfaced that shows the US police did not enter into Mexico. However, the video taken from the US side shows Mexican police crossing into the United States and recovered something on the ground and returned quickly to the Mexico side.

Very little on this story has been mentioned in US news up till this time, however now video’s have surfaced on the internet showing the incident from both sides of the border, the story has spread. The videos show three US border patrol agents on bicycles attempting to apprehend a larger number of Mexican nationals crossing into the US. One of the border agents is separated from his partners while pursuing the Nationals. He is shown holding down one National and attempting to control the other. His weapon is drawn and he is being pelted by rocks thrown from about 60 feet away across the river in Mexico. The agent fires several shots at the rock throwers. US law allows law enforcement to use deadly force whenever they or citizens are in an immediate threat of great bodily harm or death.


In today’s news: “Jurez Mayor Jos Reyes Ferriz demanded justice for a teenage boy shot to death by a Border Patrol agent in an incident that occurred Monday evening. A boy identified as Sergio Adrin Hernndez Guereca, 15, was shot by a Border Patrol agent in El Paso near the Paso del Norte international bridge. The victim was throwing rocks at Border Patrol agents, according to the FBI.

“It is crucial to clear up this incident and enforce the law, in order to prevent further incidents like this,” Reyes Ferriz said in a statement. Reyes Ferriz urged the U.S. government to hold accountable the agent or agents who shot the teenager.

“We cannot tolerate these kind of incidents, where people fight with rocks against firearms, mainly when there are National spotlight on border shooting well-trained agents involved in these cases, like Border Patrol agents,” Reyes Ferriz said. Reyes Ferriz said that the Jurez police are reviewing the videos about the incident, which occurred below the area known as Puente Negro, a favorite spot for smugglers.

“Watching those videos, we will be able to establish if Border Patrol agents are the culprit,” Reyes Ferriz said.

Mexican President Felipe Caldern strongly condemns the death of the teenager, the Mexican government said in a statement.

“Also, we express our deepest condolence and sympathy to the victim’s relatives,” Mexican officials said.

Today in the Juarez Times the story painted a slightly different picture of the dead 15 year old. “The uproar over the death of Sergio Adrin Hernndez Gereca, 15, intensified Wednesday with protests, vigils and an eyewitness video showing the deadly confrontation on the Rio Grande. U.S. federal law enforcement officials say Hernndez was among youthful guides who help “coyotes,” or smugglers, sneak undocumented immigrants across the border.”

This begs the question: Is Mexico the new Gaza and the US the new Israel?

News sources:

WSJ: FBI Probes Fatal Shooting at Mexican Border
NPR: Border Agent Shoots, Kills Mexican Boy At Bridge
CNN: Mexico asks for probe into teen’s shooting death by U.S. border agent
Bloomberg Businessweek: Mexico Demands U.S. Investigate Killing of Citizen
AFP: Mexican teen dies after bridge shooting by US Border Patrol

Updated 0921 hours – 6/0/2010

Now it has been released that the video provided by the Mexican authorities has edited out the rock throwing! What? Yes, Mexico edited out the rock throwing. Why should you be so surprised? These are corrupt police and they are capable of doing anything from robbing tourists to murder. They crossed into the US illegally, swiped a .40 cal shell casing and planted it next to the fallen teenager who had been shot…these people are not what we know as cops. They are as corrupt as they come.

Without knowing the facts or even watching the videos, our US Attorney General said they will be looking into the use of excessive force by the US police officer. This incident happened on Monday, now you would think that an incident of this magnatude would warrant the attention of the Attorney General and he would have reviewed them by now.

What else could be more important?

This is a major international incident, what they #@$ is HOLDER thinking? Any credible US Attorney involved in this case would say something like, “We are reviewing the facts and we have no further comment at this time” but our AG, Eric HOLDER says right off that we are looking into the use of excessive force and this freaking idiot has not bothered to even watch freaking videos? I’m stunned and appalled. This is the same moron that commented on AZ’s new law before he had even read it and it had been out here for weeks. It would have taken him 10 minutes and common sense says you read the law before you hold a press conference and condemned it on national TV.

Its almost unbelievable, we have sunk so low in the pursuit of being politically correct and pandering to every hostile foreign dignitary in the world. And its all so one sided.
Where is the protest of Mexico for crossing into the US, stealing evidence and planting it back in Mexico? Where is the protest of their lying on TV? Where is the protest of threats to shoot American investigators by their soldiers? Where is the protest of Mexicans sneaking across the Rio Grand and fighting with our officers? Nowhere -thats where, we only hear “We’ll be looking into the use of excessive force..” OMG!

“Associated Press – CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico — Pointing their rifles, Mexican security forces chased away U.S. authorities investigating the shooting…Mexican police crossed into US and stole evidence… FBI and witnesses said Wednesday.” PROTEST THIS MR PRESIDENT! Mexico is a dirt, corrupt, 3rd world country with a law enforcement barely better than murderous drug lords that run half the country. PROTEST THIS MR. PRESIDENT – tell the world we will do whatever it takes to protect our citizens too! And then do it.

While we’re at it, if Mexican soldiers or police or anyone points a weapon at us, tell Calderon we have every right to open fire and we will! No more intimidation of our law enforcement. Look, if a criminal raised a weapon at any cop in this country he would be shot. Does anyone doubt this? We’re not human targets and we’re not wimps to bend over for every corrupt official in the 3rd world.

It’s time for us to stand up to intimidation and its time to protect our sovereignty.

In the past few years it has been widely reported that Mexican soldiers have been violating our territory in order to escort and protect illegal drug smugglers. What say that the next time we catch them inside our borders (last time they were shooting at our law enforcement) that we have standing orders from the White House to open fire with everything we have and wipe out that threat? That’s what I want to see – then we have the evidence, we have the bodies, the guns and the military vehicles and their uniforms and let Mexico try to deny that! But, do you think President Obama would ever do that? Not a chance. He’s nothing but a gutless leftwing fool and I say that with all due respect for our Presidency.

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