God bless Alvin Greene, I love this guy! It proves one of two things…either voters are so fedup with the status quo, they’ll go to any lengths to send a message or as the Washington Post said: “He won because (democrat) voters are stupid.”

Here’s a guy who ponied up $10,000 to file for the Senate race and run as a democrat and he won the race! He’s unemployed, he’s not articulate, he had no platform, he ran no campaign, no ads, no mailers, no bumper stickers and gave no speeches. He had no advisors, rasied no money, he never even filed any mandatory disclosure papers, heck he doesn’t even own a cell phone and still he won one of the most important nominations in the State of South Carolina. I think this is fantastic…to all those loyal democrats that voted for Alvin, thanks, you made my day.

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