Latest on U.S. Military Helmet

by Jack Lee


The US armed forces uses a PASGT type helmet made of layers of bullet resistant kevlar, similar in some respects to fiberglass. PASGT stands for personal armor system for ground troops .

The helmet is generally thought to be good protection against small arms fire, but in actual tests it barely resists low powered pistol ammo. We found that in at least one test, a .357 bullet passed right through both sides.

An upgraded version is available on the private market and it is advertised to withstand threat level IIIa, which only covers up to a .44 cal pistol round. Not many of those being used in Iraq or Afghanistan.


The helmet is not going to be effective against an AK47 round which is the most popular small arms we face. If the bullet approaches on an angle it is possible it could be deflected, but head on, its going right through.

About 4 years ago a rubber insert system (see black pads inside helmet on right) was developed to help absorb some of the shock from explosives and bullet strikes. This system has helped reduce serious concusions and deaths. The PASGT helmet weighs 3.6 pounds and costs about $320 with the padded inserts. It has been shown to be about 95% effective against small bomb fragments travelling under 2000 feet per second.

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