General Stanley McChrystal Recalled to White House

by Jack Lee


President Obama is looking for a face to face meet with our top general in Afghanistan after the general allegedly said a couple of critical things about him a couple of members of his national security team. The comments were featured in Rolling Stone magazine.

In the article, McChrystal sheds light on many of his contentious relationships within the Obama administration. He makes disparaging remarks about President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan Karl Eikenberry, and National Security Adviser Jim Jones. McChrystal recalls how Mr. Obama looked “uncomfortable and intimidated” when meeting with our military leaders.

Mr. Obama went from zero military experience and education to commander-in-chief and that has resulted in war fighting problems. Since President Obama imposed the restrictions on returning fire when civilian casualties might be incurred our casualties immediately increased by 33% and predictably the Taliban began using civilians as shields. Gen. McChrystal also requested more troops than the President thought necessary. Mr. Obama delayed sending the additonal troops for almost 6 months, which has also resulted in more US casualties and stronger positioning by the Taliban.

Reports indicate Gen. McChrystal was often frustrated and angry with the White House when the Rolling Stone reporter was present gathering his story.

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