Supremes Uphold Aid & Abet Laws

Posted by Tina

Those in support of the thugs that crashed the Gaza humanitarian flotilla beware! The Supreme Court just upheld our laws against giving aid and comfort to our enemies:

The U.S. Supreme Court did the world a great big favor yesterday in ruling that “no” means absolutely not in any way shape or form when it comes to providing supposedly high-minded assistance to designated terrorist organizations. You mean there’s such a thing as an altruistic means of supporting mass murderers? A group of self-styled human rights activists managed to breathe enough life into that amoral belief to force the high court’s consideration after 12 years of legal battling. ** A six-member majority of the court correctly recognized that Congress had solid grounds for prohibiting Americans from supporting what appear to be the lawful activities of a designated terrorist group because of the very real risk of abetting the organization’s nefarious aims. ** The law “criminalizes not terrorist attacks themselves, but aid that makes the attacks more likely to occur,” the court wisely found, adding: “The government, when seeking to prevent imminent harms in the context of international affairs and national security, is not required to conclusively link all the pieces of the puzzle before we grant weight to its empirical conclusions.” – New York Daily News

Read more here: “Roberts Rules – The Supreme Court upholds an important terrorism law,” By Andrew McCarthy – NRO

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