World Turns Upside Down at G8 Summit

Posted by Tina

Who would ever have guessed 10 years ago that we would find ourselves here:

The G8 summit of the world’s biggest economies has opened in the Canadian capital as German Chancellor Angela Merkel prepared to defend European austerity measures in the face of growing criticism from Washington. ** German Chancellor Angela Merkel insisted that G8 members should start to cut their deficit immediately, despite fears that this could kill the global recovery. “It is time to reduce the deficits. Europe has experienced what it means to have too big deficits,” she told journalists on arrival at the summit. Merkel, as head of Europe’s largest economy, has led moves to slash spending… – Deutsche Welle

Imagine Europe moving toward the reagan conservative model while America plunges into the tax, spend and manipulate policies of the Carter era. Yet in all of the upside down madness there remains one unwavering constant:

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<blockquote<In a moment of startling candour yesterday, organizers of this week's G8 and G20 protests refused to condemn the use of violence during demonstrations, saying participants will "resist in ways that make sense for them." ** Syed Hussan, a spokesman for the Toronto Community Mobilization Network, told reporters gathered at the group's Queen Street West headquarters that summit security personnel can expect "different people taking different actions in the ways that they see fit." ** When asked if the group, a collection of grassroots organizations and activists, condemns violent protest at the two summits, Mr. Hussan replied: "No." – National Post (Canada)

And they, American leftists and protesting lefty thugs, would have us believe that they are the peaceful, sane, nonviolent people!

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