Monday’s PS Line Up Starts Out Strong!

We’ve got a great line-up of stories and news for you already this Monday, and the day is young!

  • Arizona BLM road signs warn tourists of smuggling dangers.
  • Suspend AB32 gains traction – Tea Party message
  • Hello from Vietnam
  • Wayne Allyn Root: Overwhelming the system
  • How Well Do You Know Your Republican Heritage?

Late breaking news: West Virginia Senator Robert Byrd died at the age of 92 and with him goes the passing of an era, where Senators were larger than life, they were powerful King makers and pork spenders that could not be unseated, similar in many respects to Tammany Hall of old New York.

Robert Byrd was, for a long time, hated by blacks because he was a Klan member and voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Amendment. He was considered a conservative Democrat because of his support for the Vietnam War.

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