My Simple Foreign Policy

by Jack Lee

If a war is worth fighting then it is worth fighting to win. That means an absolute, undeniable victory. We back our military and give them whatever it takes to make short work of the enemy, period.

Beating their army (any army) and then fighting a protracted insurgency is not my idea of winning. We need to really beat their army and wreak havoc until all resistance is crushed, now that’s victory. Leaving them to rebuild with their own resources will make them think twice about inviting such heavy destruction on their country ever again.

The only exception (there’s always exceptions) to this general policy is, if it is far more practical and expedient to simply launch a retaliation strike like we did in Libya, then we should reserve that right. However, if it takes a sustained campaign of bombing and a substantial troop commitment, then we must declare war. We owe that to our soldiers.

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