Party of Hope has Become Party of Nope, Sorry, No Can Do!


Posted by Tina

The economic forcast is that we’re tanking…again and on every front we hear that Americans must settle for less, or second best, or not at all. It’s almost like somone’s been passing around a book…

I’ve wanted to post something on the economy for the past two weeks but couldn’t quite bring myself to do it. The news is soooooo depressing! I have also been astounded at the lack of competence and ability on issue after issue in the current administration and congress. But, you might have noticed we at PS haven’t refrained from posting about that! So last night when I read an article that contained elements of both I thought you should have a chance to read it too, just in case you’re one of those brave old souls. Remember how the Democrats claimed Republicans were the party of “no”? Well, now’s your chance to read about the Democrat Party of “no can do”. Find an ugly chart tracking economic confidence and the entire IBD story, “A Drop in Confidence? No Wonder!” here.

“I can’t suck the oil up with a straw,” ** “You’re never going to totally seal that border,” ** “I think the world understands now that growth in the future around the world cannot depend as much on the United States as it did in the past,” ** “There’s no possibility to restore 8 million jobs lost in the Great Recession” ** “It isn’t possible to debate and pass a realistic, long-term budget until we’ve considered the bipartisan commission’s deficit-reduction plan,”

There really is no excuse for what is happening in America. Anybody want to bet there will be more lame excuses, unadressed problems, unemployed citizens, business closures, underfunded mandates, unsucked up oil, and “no can do” in our near future?

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