Posted by Tina
The people of Arizona have spoken…by not signing:
“Effort to put Ariz. Immigration law on the ballot fails” – AP
The organizers of the “Compassion for all” campaign said in an Internet posting that they didn’t collect enough signatures and had closed out the campaign. They said they’d remain active in other activities to help the Hispanic community.
The thing that really stinks is the gross (purposeful) charges of racism that is always injected into the debate. It’s only purpose is to drive fear and hate in the Hispanic community. The issue is not race and never has been. The issue is safety for all Arizona citizens. The issue is societal respect for our laws.
The new lArizona law is compassionate! It is meant to better arm the men and women charged with upholding the laws of Arizona and our nation. These men and women are on the front lines in the quest to keep citizens and visitors safe. The new law also demands a greater level of civic responsibility…not only of those who live in Arizona, but of those who would like to live there.