Posted by Tina
In the histroy of the United States of America there has never been a more irresponsible man holding the presidency!
“Obama awards $2B for solar power, hails new jobs,” by Julie Pace – AP
WASHINGTON — The government is handing out nearly $2 billion for new solar plants that President Barack Obama says will create thousands of jobs and increase the use of renewable energy sources. ** The two companies that will receive the money from the president’s $862 billion economic stimulus are Abengoa Solar, which will build one of the world’s largest solar plants in Arizona, creating 1,600 construction jobs; and Abound Solar Manufacturing, which is building plants in Colorado and Indiana. The Obama administration says those projects will create more than 2,000 construction jobs and 1,500 permanent jobs.
Woo hoo! 2000 temporary jobs and a whopping 1500 permanent jobs and it will only cost us 2 billion dollars! What a genius! What a friggin miracle worker! What a complete moron!!!
Obama continues to sound upbeat about his recovery plan, a sad testament to his lack of knowledge about business and economics. (Or is it his sinister socialist plans for America?)
The truth contains some very bad news:
“Of the 15 million unemployed in America, over 7 million have been out of work for more than six months, nearly 5 million for a year and over 1 million for two years — the worst statistics since the government started keeping count in 1948. The proportion of the unemployed out of work for more than six months has doubled in the past year, to more than 46 percent. The jobseekers-to-jobs ratio, which tells how hard positions are to get, remains around 5.6 to 1.”
I repeat…TWO BILLION to create just 1500 permanent jobs!
This is our money, Mr. and Ms America, and it is not a good way to spend our money. It is, sadly, an incredibly inadequate method for incentivising the private sector to create jobs…the only sure way to put people back to work. But what the he** does he care…he’s spreading the wealth, rewarding his constituency, and appeasing voters like Mark who will no doubt believe the end justifies the means.