Civil Rights Voter Intimidation Hearing


Posted by Tina

Just after the last presidential election PS posted disturbing video showing New Black Panther thugs intimidating both black and white voters as they entered their official voting place. One man who witnessed the intimidation was a lawyer who had been involved defending blacks and the civil rights voter legislation of the sixties; he was appalled. A lawsuit was filed, the defendant’s failed to show up in court, the government won its case but then ordered the case dropped. The DOJ prosecutor in charge of the case resigned in protest shortly thereafter.

The United States Commission on Civil Rights apparently determined the case was worthy of investigation and held a hearing recently during which the prosecutor, J. Christian Adams, had a chance to tell his side of the story:

The Hill

In no uncertain terms, Adams noted that senior officials within the Obama Justice Department had told employees that they were not to bring voting-rights cases where the alleged victim in the case was white.

Fox News reports that Adams said this case was the “easiest I ever had at the Justice Department. It doesn’t get any easier than this. If this doesn’t constitute voter intimidation, nothing will.”

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