Death by Stoning and Nukes

by Jack Lee

At first glance you would think these two issues are unrelated (death by stoning and nuclear missiles), but they’re really not. Read on and I will show you how they tie together.

President Obama said he will be pleased to open discussions with Iran in an effort to get them to stop the production of enriched uranium. That’s nice, isn’t it? Especially since President Bush refused to go there. That was bad, huh?

Bush steadfastly refused to meet with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and took a lot of flak for it. Bush called Ahmadinejad antisemitic and a bigot. Well, it is true, Ahmadinejad is a known holocaust denier and he has often vowed to wipe Israel from the face of the earth, but should that stop the negotiations over nuclear warheads, right?

How about the fact that his rhetoric is often matched by other Iranian leaders, and the Iranian regime itself has continued to sponsor anti-Zionism conferences and pseudo-academic lectures and exhibits questioning the fact of the Holocaust? Is that enough to shun them and call for strict sanctions on Iran?

President Obama has chastised Bush for his decision, but, exactly how do you have a meaningful and sincere discussion leading to cooperation with a President and a regime that sponsors international terrorism and preaches hate and bigotry? How do you sit at the negotiating table with vermin that stone women to death for alleged adultery? I couldn’t, and President Bush couldn’t either, but President Obama said he would. Ah, now there is my connection. How can civilized people seek cooperation with barbarians?


Sakineh Mohammadie Ashtiani, age 42, (shown left) is a mother of two, and she could be stoned to death at any moment under the terms of a death sentence handed down by Iranian authorities. This means she is going to be buried up to her waist with her arms tied to her sides. Rocks large enough to inflict serious pain, but not a yield lethal blow (not right off) will be selected and her peers will be encouraged to throw them at her until she is finally dead, but not dead too quickly. A lengthy sadistic torture is part of the punishment.

Iranian officials say this may seem harsh, but it is Sharia law and Allah demands it. They remind us that the woman confessed to adultery, so there is no question about her guilt. Her lawyer and children say she confessed after being struck 99 times with a whip that cut into her bare flesh with every lash. There is no other evidence.

Only an international campaign designed to pressure the regime in Tehran can save her life, according to Mina Ahadi, head of the International Committee Against Stoning and the Death Penalty.

Now lets revisit my original question – how do you negotiate with such people? Better yet, why would President Obama even consider having dealings with people like that? They are religious fanatics, backward, sadistic and medieval. This “moral” culture condones sodomizing little boys…and we should respect that???!!

They are ruthless bast$#@s, A-H’s every one – In a just world they ought to be subjected to the same sort of torture and misery they gleefully inflict on others. I DO NOT WANT MY PRESIDENT NEGOTIATING ANYTHING WITH AHMADINEJAD OR HIS REGIME, DO YOU?

Where are our professional protesters when we need them? Where are our feminists, our women’s rights activists, where? This poor women is about to be stoned to death in public! It’s time to march on the Iranian embassy, make some noise, do your thing like you always do, or are you afraid of offending Muslims?

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