Billionaire George Soros’ Evil Global Plan


Posted by Tina
If they keep repeating that the Tea Party movement is a racist right wing kook fringe group loud enough and long enough maybe you won’t notice this:

“George Soros’ New Plan for Globalism and Crony Capitalism,” – National Legal and Policy CenterPosted by Tina

When George Soros invests $50 million to revolutionize the way Americans think about a certain issue, it would normally be deemed newsworthy. Not so with the formation of the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET). Three months after a summit in New York state last July, Soros pledged $50 million to INET, which promises “to promote changes in economic theory and practice” by “providing the proper guidance” to “the next generation.”

Despite its name, its philosophy is nearly a century old. The group blames the economic crisis on free market capitalism and promotes a return to the theories of John Maynard Keynes. INET hosted its inaugural conference April 8-10 at King’s College, Keynes’ school, and called on economists to “apply the same Keynesian courage and innovation” to ending the worldwide recession.

That conference’s proceedings reveal INET is applying its talent to “contracting” the U.S. economy, redistributing its wealth, and creating a new world body to “supervise” global financial transactions – a body its elite membership intends to influence.

One of the conference attendees essentially spelled out its agenda in print. Andre Wilkens, who represented the prestigious German foundation Siftung Mercator at INET’s conference, was formerly “director of the Open Society Institute Brussels (OSI-Brussels) and a founding member of the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR).” Wilkens wrote just after the election of Barack Obama:

The challenge ahead is to manage a peaceful decline of the west while rescuing as many of the west’s liberal political and economic values as possible…We need new global governance which can both manage the ascent of China, India, Russia, Brazil as well as the relative decline of the United States and Europe. Europe and the US must concentrate on shaping this new global governance and enshrine its progressive values within it, while they still have some power to do so.

He suggested the world’s elites create piecemeal “global governance based on global financial governance and then move ahead in ways that echo the EU’s evolution” from the European Economic Community (EEC) to a full political union with a centralized parliament, open borders, and a common currency. He concluded by echoing Rahm Emanuel: “The importance is to understand the crisis as an opportunity which should not be wasted.”

Read the whole da*#ed ugly piece…if you’ve got the stomach (and the nerves) for it. Then plan to attend future Tea Party meetings.

These extreme control freaks will crush the America we know and love in a heartbeat given the chance and they are already off to a good start. We”ve reported in the past on the many organizations that are funded by George Soros, associations that allow him to funnel millions of his personal dollars into Democrat causes, organizations and campaignes, including the campaign that put Obama in the WH. Even a cursory look at the policies and plans of the leadership of the Democrat Party suggests a connection between the global governance crowd and the Democrats in power.

Read all you can people, our freedom and our sovereignty depend on it.

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