by Jack Lee
The Dept. of Justice will take strong legal action against Arizona, but they won’t sue sanctuary cities…whaaa?
Attorney General Eric Holder told the Washington Times: “There is a big difference between a state or locality saying they are not going to use their resources to enforce a federal law, as so-called sanctuary cities have done, and a state passing its own immigration policy that actively interferes with federal law.”
Holder is either a fool or an idiot or he thinks we are. His argument is absolutely wrong since federal law requires state and local governments to cooperate with federal authorities. Sanctuary cities don’t just refuse to use their resources, they refuse to cooperate on any level and this is obstructing, delaying and usurping federal authority. This is exactly what Holder charges AZ with doing, but AZ wants to help enforce federal law?
It’s clear that Arizona has been singled out for taking a stand against illegal immigration and sanctuary cities are being given a free pass for embracing illegal immigration. Did you ever think you would see the day such insanity permiates our government? The inmates are truly running the asylum….remember this stuff come November, will ya?
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