Republicans Propose Alternative to “No Budget at All”

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Posted by Tina

The “party of no” just keeps on giving sound sensible ideas for economic recovery and increased opportunity for all Americans. This time they are serving up a budget proposal that would balance the budget by 2019. The Wall Street Journal has the scoop:

In one of the most fiscally inept stunts in many years on Capitol Hill, Congressional Democrats have taken a pass on enacting a budget this year. Legislators will just wing it and let the $3.6 trillion fall where it may and hope the public doesn’t notice a $1.5 trillion dollar deficit. But the minority Republicans have just presented their own budget plan and it’s a remarkably bold and honest document that involves big cuts in government spending over the next decade and a balanced budget by 2019. The GOP budget would be a Tea Partier’s dream come true if it ever were enacted. ** The plan, fashioned by Tom Price of Georgia, head of the conservative Republican Study Committee, reduces federal borrowing from the Obama baseline by a gargantuan $6.4 trillion over the next decade. Not bad considering that it also lowers taxes by $1.7 trillion more than the Obama budget by making the Bush tax cuts permanent. Spending reductions start with what Mr. Price calls a “reset” on spending for discretionary programs back to 2008 levels. That insures that “temporary” stimulus funding doesn’t get continued year after year. The plan also instructs the President and Congress to dedicate every penny of bailout money repaid to the federal government by the banks to debt retirement. – Stephen Moore

Find the GOP budget here which includes as part of its introduction quotes from Jefferson and the following statement by Representative Salazar (D-CO):

We believe it is time that we finally get our fiscal house in order. Today, we will restore the pay-asyou-go rules that were instrumental to the budget surpluses we experienced in the early 1990s. Pay-asyou-go budgeting with no new deficit spending is a key first step. This will reverse the budget deficits that are currently passing billions of dollars in debt to our children and our grandchildren.

Deficits have not reversed under Democrat control. In fact they have unnecessarily exploded! The ugly picture following more than three years as articulated in the proposal is as follows:

The National Debt: has increased from $8.67 trillion to $12.6 trillion–an increase of $3.93 trillion or 45.3%.

The Debt Limit: has increased six times. Since the Democrats took over Congress, the debt limit has increased from $8.965 trillion to $14.29 trillion–an increase of $5.33 trillion or 59.4%.

The Deficit: has increased from $161 billion in the last budget before Democrats took control of the Congress (FY 2007) to $1.42 trillion in the most recent fiscal year (FY 2009)–an increase of $1.26 trillion or 776%. The FY 2010 deficit is projected to come in at another $1.5 trillion.

$10.5 Trillion Deterioration to Nation’s Budget Outlook: The same month Democrats took control of Congress (January 2007), CBO, under then CBO Director Peter Orszag, projected an $800 billion surplus over the ten-year period FY 2008-2017. Today, covering the same period–including the actual deficits from FY 2008 and FY 2009–as well as what the President proposes in his budget for fiscal years 2011 through 2017, that $800 billion surplus turns into a $9.7 trillion deficit. This is a $10.5 trillion worsening of the budget outlook in three years of Democrat control of the Congress.

Whoa…did you get that? Democrats have been saying Bush left Obama with a big deficit but what they don’t tell you is that the policies that were in place when Democrats took the house, projected out to 2017, would result in an $800 Billion surplus!!!! (Republicans were not being as irresponsible as they were of being portrayed to be by both Democrats and the media). Democrats then follow that lie with another when they promise to “reverse budget deficits” and then proceed to add huge government programs and bureaucracies, spend wildly, and print money increasing the deficit amount by 776% !!!

Democrats have no intention of balancing our budgets! They have no intention of giving tax relief to American citizens and businesses (the backroom deals made with select BIG Wall Street firms and Unions is the only deviation). They have no intention of creating an atmosphere for growth that will put Americans back to work. The only intention they have is to spread the wealth around by gaining greater and greater control and power over both individuals and businesses so they can direct and manage the course of America unimpeded by the voices of her citizens. As much as many members of our society wish to tell us that all politicians are alike and both parties are exactly the same clearly they are not. There is not a single Republican on the planet that would govern with such underhanded and manipulative tactics as the current administration and Congress has. Heck, in years gone by there hasn’t been a member of either party that would govern so completely against the Constitution and the will of the people as this regime has.

Republicans do have sound ideas and policies to set America on a road not only to “recovery” but toward excellence and competitive growth. Republicans know that greatness, innovation, wealth anjd success derive from the energy and vision of individual Americans working in freedom. They know governments job is to support and empower the people to the benefit of all.

We can begin with a sound budget like the one proposed by Republicans or we can continue as we have been until America is brought to destruction and left in the hands of a few power elite…it’s up to us to decide.

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