Moonbat Alert


Posted by Tina

“Are you opposed to Obamacare or illegal immgration? You’re a racist. Are you opposed to gay marriage? You’re a homophobe. Did you oppose Elana Kagan’s appointment to the Supreme Court? You’re a sexist. After less than two years of complete Democrat control of government, there aren’t many Americas progressives haven’t accused of some sort of bigotry for simply having an opinion different from theirs. The politics of “hope” and “change” have devolved into exactly what those espousing them claimed they would end. Is this really Democrat’s plan to win votes in November? – Derek Hunter, “You’re a Bigot, Now Vote for Me! The Progressive Plan for November.”BigGovernment

Moonbat: An unthinking or insane leftist — in other words, most modern leftists.

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One Response to Moonbat Alert

  1. Harriet says:

    Did you see the call in to the ER today,(Tuesday 8-31)?
    Caller basically said if you did not agree Machelle Obama is the best First Lady, you are a Pathetic Ignorant Racist”
    That is what Progressives do, it is actually something Karl Marx taught, demean your opponent, shut him up anyway you can, attack their motive, ignore their questions.
    I have mentioned before Balint Vazsonyi’s book, “America’s 30 Years War” he discusses growing up under Communism in Hubgary. Many of the words used today was used then, politically correct, socially corrrect, affirmative action, just to name a few.

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