Police, FBI, Investigating Mosque Attack

An explosion sent a fireball of flames against a brick wall and the steel back door to the Jacksonville, Fl., Mosque where 61 were attending worship. The blast was believe to have originated from a small pipe bomb attached to a gasoline can. A grainy video shows a man walking with a gas can moments earlier, but it doesn’t show anything else.

Several months ago a crazy acting man entered the Mosque and yelled, “Stop this blaspheming!” He ran away saying he would be back.

Police are wondering if this incident was motivated by the recent car bombing in Times Square by a Muslim man. They are also checking into people who might have been motivated by a number of US based Islamic Charities and Mosques funneling money to terrorists groups like Hamas and Hezbollah . They are also considering that the attempted bombing by the copy cat shoe bomber last Christmas may have been a motive. In addition to this they have not ruled a possible motive from any of over 30 other terror attacks by Muslims in 2010 that are noted in the headlines as follows… “Danish police shoot intruder at cartoonist’s home”. BBC News. January 2, 2010. Retrieved January 2, 2010. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Two-terrorists-killed-as-Srinagar-gunbattle-ends/articleshow/5419140.cms “Policeman hurt in car bomb blast in Randalstown”. BBC
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Police are also sifting through the other 18,961 Islamic terrorist attacks, assasinations and suicide bombings worldwide that claimed the lives of over 20,000 people in the last 10 years as they may have been a motive in some odd way known only to this skitzo fire bomber.

To be fair, the police have not yet ruled out that this attack could have just been motivated by a single crazy person with no logical motive at all.

Fortunately, this gasoline attack did not require the steel doors to be repainted nor any brick work to be replaced, damage was nil.

However, as a precautionary response police are providing round the clock security and the FBI has pledged to use all their resources and spare no expense to apprehend this nutcase. A nationwide manhunt is now underway. A $20,000 reward is offered for any information leading to his arrest.

The local Imam who has lived in Florida for 34 years without incident, said he thought his community was peaceful and tolerant and now he’s angry and afraid!!! Wait, wasn’t this unfortunate event suspected to be the work of ONLY ONE PERSON? Probalby the nut job that ran into the Mosque earlier, and so now the community at large is being accused? Hmmm….his fear, anger and harsh statements finally come out to condemn a terroristic act. Unfortunately he is indicting a lot of innocent people in the process. I wonder how fearful and angry he would be if someone had actually been hurt like we were on 9/11? I also wonder if it’s finally regestering with this Imam that other people may share his reaction to violence when innocent people are murdered in cold blood by Muslim jihadists?

Prior to this he was fairly quiet about such things, but now the situation has reversed and look at his rage…. i HOPE THIS GIVES HIM SOME PERSPECTIVE ABOUT TOLERANCE AND COMPASSION and rejection of terrorism.

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