The findings from the Sleep Research Center showed that… “the 10 minute afternoon nap significantly improved subjective alertness, fatigue and performance 30 to 60
minutes after the nap. However, shorter naps did not improve alertness or performance. In conjunction with previous studies that have also demonstrated that naps can improve alertness and performance after sleep deprivation, this study suggests that a nap as brief as 10 minutes can reduce the effects of sleep loss.”
Other studies indicate getting a good night’s sleep is important to lowering blood pressure and a short nap after eating has a direct effect on attitude, digestive health and overall performance.
The bottom line is a nap taken before 4 p.m. is healthful and has many benefits, but naps after 4 p.m. may interrupt your normal sleep cycle. A short nap after lunch is idea, you’ll feel better and be more on your game if you do.