Patriots Unite!

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11 Responses to Patriots Unite!

  1. Post Scripts says:

    Sometimes I think when they talk about revolution it’s just about elections and then sometimes I think this country could explode into a real one. There are so many angry people that have too many honest issues with the federal government and its getting worse every day.

    I wonder what kind of politicians we would left have after the smoke cleared? My guess is REAL HONEST ONES!

  2. Tina says:

    I think we’re praying for good election results and quietly preparing in case conditions get so bad people get desperate…man, I never would have imagined this could happen in America.

    And no that doesn’t mean I think conservatives would “start” a revolution over a single issue or two…conservatives are by nature law abiding. It means that if we continue down this course where jobs continue to be lost, homes continue to be in foreclosure and businesses close due to higher costs and lost business…a condition of no “HOPE”…people will start doing desperate things. Wasn’t there a time when we tarred and feathered bad politicians…perhaps we should revert to that…lol.

    I did enjoy the music!

  3. Quentin Colgan says:

    You have two choices for Congress this November.
    Well, there more, but only two with any real chance.
    If “change” is the desired goal, and the incumbent certainly does not qualify as holding to the values of the TEA party, just WHO will you guys be voting for this November?
    And why?

  4. Mark says:

    “conservatives are by nature law abiding. It means that if we continue down this course where jobs continue to be lost, homes continue to be in foreclosure and businesses close due to higher costs and lost business…a condition of no “HOPE”…people will start doing desperate things.”

    So are you saying conservatives have low morals?

    Because that is what you said about Mexicans who steal power because their economy is not producing jobs. Just curious.

    As a historian I have a real good memory of what I have read in the past, and as a scholar I have a nose for inconsistency. Sorry if I have offended you in placing your seperate comments side-by-side.

  5. Tina says:

    Mark: “So are you saying conservatives have low morals?”

    No I’m saying they (and you) might have to defend their homes and possessions! I guess when it comes to me…or conservatives…you’re just used to thinking the worst?

    “Because that is what you said about Mexicans who steal power because their economy is not producing jobs.”

    I don’t recall saying Mexicans have low morals or “steal power” so I’m not sure what you are saying.

    I sympathize with Mexicans desiring a better life for their families and I understand why they come here to work. It’s our government that refuses to uphold our laws and has made laws and set standards that create unworkable, unsustainable conditions for all of us. There should be a controlled, legal way for workers to come as they always have…to do the job and go home.

    Providing “free” education, health care, welfare, and foodstamps to anyone that comes here for any reason and under any conditions is dumb. The policy does not work, is ultimately unsustainable, and only encourages increased illegal migration. I has become overly burdensome…budgets are broken in states, clinics are closing, and schools are not performing up to the standards they once did.

    The only solution the left has offered is to take more and more money from hard working, law abiding American citizens or to print money and borrow increasing nour debt. There’s a point at which that just isn’t economically possible or morally right. If America collapses it won’t help the Mexicans it will hurt them.

    The criminal element coming across our border is also expensive, dangerous and undesirable. I blame a lot of that on Americans who use drugs and the welfare system that has helped to create ghetto conditions and gang mentalities. I blame poor little rich kids that indulge themselves and party all the time with no thought to the damage (and death) they are doing. I blame lower moral standards generally and the left either tolerates or embraces lower morals with gusto.

    Since you don’t seem to have solutions, or sympathies for those charged with dealing with these problems, and since you don’t want to be thought of as a mean or hateful person, you won’t talk about these undesirable, unsustainable conditions. Instead it’s just easier to decide people who will are “racist”. You may be intellectually armed but you have a blind spot when it comes to practical, everyday things.

    You have not offended me. I understand that your opinions and thoughts are colored by a (convenient?) distortion of the truth.

  6. Mark says:


    Sorry. I made a typical PS mistake. I wasn’t paying attention and thought Jack made the comment. He made the comment about morals a few weeks back.

    Sorry for the misdirection.

  7. Soaps says:

    “as a scholar I have a nose for inconsistency. Sorry if I have offended you in placing your seperate comments…”

    Hey Mark:
    You may consider yourself a scholar, but I bet you did not win many spelling bees.

  8. Post Scripts says:

    Oh geez…lol Soaps!!! …lol

  9. Tina says:

    Mark apology accepted and thank you for offering it.

    I have a feeling you are being a little harsh on Jack…he looks at the very real practical problems from the point of view of an ex cop/military man and taxpayer. He speaks, at times, with (understandable) frustration, but he is not mean spirited, racist or motivated by bigotry of any kind.

  10. Tina says:

    Soaps…I’ve often wondered how you manage to hold your tongue. Spelling was never my strong suit and when the speed of my thoughts, a high levle of ire, my two finger typing skills and limited time converge…bad spelling, typo’s, poor punctuation, and simply awful construction HAPPENS!

    LOL indeed!

  11. Mark says:

    Worse yet.

    My mother was an elementary school teacher, who must be rolling in her grave.

    Sorry mom (and Soaps)

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