Fed Lawsuit Filed Against Sheriff Arpaio

By Lourdes Medrano Lourdes Medrano – Thu Sep 2, 5:38 pm ET
Tucson, Ariz. – The United States Justice Department is filing an “unprecedented” lawsuit against Joe Arpaio, the controversial sheriff of Arizona’s Maricopa County.

In announcing the legal action Thursday, a Justice Department official said that Sheriff Arpaio is refusing to cooperate with a federal investigation into allegations of discrimination and illegal searches and seizures by the department.

The Justice Department said it has been seeking documents relating to its civil-rights probe for 15 months and turned to a lawsuit only as a last resort, adding that this was the first time in 30 years that a police department had not cooperated with a civil-rights investigation.

“The actions of the sheriff’s office are unprecedented,” said Thomas Perez, assistant attorney general for the civil-rights division, in a statement.

Arpaio told the Arizona Republic that he thought the lawsuit was “camouflage” for a federal attempt to curtail his anti-illegal immigration sweeps in mostly Latino communities. He also said he had begun cooperating with federal authorities and thought they were making headway toward a solution.

Arpaio and the Obama administration have repeatedly clashed over immigration policy.

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19 Responses to Fed Lawsuit Filed Against Sheriff Arpaio

  1. Tina says:

    Byron York, New evidence undermines feds case in Arizona, is on the case and reporting in the Washington Examiner:


    Despite the splash of attention from the newest lawsuit, the Justice Department’s investigation of Arpaio could end badly for Holder. When the Department first informed Arpaio that a probe was under way, back in March 2009, it sent a letter saying the investigation would focus on “alleged patterns or practices of discriminatory police practices and unconstitutional searches and seizures.” But now we learn that just six months before that, in September 2008, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, known as ICE, did its own investigation of Arpaio’s office — and gave it a clean bill of health. Arpaio’s lawyers recently got a copy of the ICE report through the Freedom of Information Act.
    ICE officials evaluated how the sheriff’s office performed under a law that allows specially trained local law enforcement officers to enforce parts of federal immigration law. The Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office, which is the largest sheriff’s office in the Arizona, has 189 officers who have been trained by ICE to enforce federal immigration statutes.
    The report, crammed with acronyms and bureaucratese, is not light reading. But struggle through it, and the key sentence is this: “The OI and DRO supervisors consider the conduct and performance of the MCSO … officers to be professional and meeting the requirement of the MOA.” Translated, that means officials from the Homeland Security Department’s Office of Investigation (OI), along with officials from the Detention and Removal Operations office (DRO), concluded that the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO), in its handling of illegal immigrants, acted in a professional manner and complied with a memorandum of agreement (MOA) under which the government gave them the authority to enforce federal law. That agreement included a ban on racial profiling.
    ICE investigators also interviewed top federal officials involved in illegal immigrant cases in Arizona. They found an “excellent” working relationship between the sheriff’s office and the feds. ICE talked as well to federal prosecutors in Phoenix, who described the cases brought by Maricopa County as “high quality.”
    In all, it’s a quite positive assessment of an operation that just six months later would come under the Justice Department’s microscope for alleged civil rights violations. It also lends indirect support to Arpaio’s contention that the Justice Department investigation is politically motivated.
    A tidbit of information contained in other government documents released under the Freedom of Information Act also suggests politics may be involved. Arpaio’s lawyers found a March 11, 2009, e-mail, sent just after the Justice Department investigation was announced, from an ICE employee to John P. Torres, then the acting assistant secretary of ICE. “Did you see this?” the e-mail said, attaching a news report on the investigation. “Yes,” Torres responded a few minutes later. “Interesting politics at play.”

    Remember when it was easy for them to get away with this stuff? No more ladies and gentlemenNO MORE!

  2. MACHETE says:

    OK vision a whole entire country invading
    another country thru every crack and open
    window they see which runs about the span
    of 3-4 States in America!!!
    Then invision seeing big huge lazy fat single
    mexican women who run the borders or the
    most vicious DRUG CARTEL GANGS in the whole
    entire WORLD!!!
    These sin-oritas are the most crucial part of
    WHY????? They can have ANCHOR BABIES and kill off
    other white or black americans as they ensure
    the invasion of AZTLAN or LA RAZA or NORTENO or
    SORENO or MS13 or DOGS or WHAT in the HELL ever
    these MIDGETS call themselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    THE CITIZENS OF AMERICA???????????????????????
    *I.D THEFT

  3. Post Scripts says:

    Of course you are rght Machete. You’ll probably see people taking a stand, defending themselves in anyway they can, even if if means using deadly force.

    We have the Constitution, the 2nd and 5th Amendments in particular, giving citizens the inalienable right to be secure in their homes and to keep and bear arms, arms being the pistols and rifles of this day…not muskets from 1776 as as one of our readers thought.

    My advice to you is, buy yourself a shotgun, preferably a 12 gauge pump or semiauto, it’s the best home defesne weapon there is. Nothing says you’re tresspassing and invading my space like a blast from a 12 gauge with #1 shot. Also if at all possible move to Arizona and support them with your money and your vote. If you live in AZ you can carry a handgun…exposed or not…you can carry it for your own protection, it’s a very sensible law.

    If you want to take it a step further get an AK47 or AR15 they look mean and scarey and if you are toting one of these the bad guys know you mean business. But, for every day home protection that shotgun will do just fine. And teach your wife and kids how to shoot too!

    My kids grew up with guns, we had loaded firearms laying all over the house from the time they were old enough to be taught to use them safely. Naturally prior to that we kept them secured, but once the kids knew how to use them they never had to go more than 10 feet in our house to find a loaded weapon in a special place.

    Obama should be impeached for the lawsuit against a sheriff who is doing his duty and enforcing the law to the letter. Illegal aliens just don’t belong in this country…they are ILLEGAL. No excuses…illegal means illegal and I am with you on this anchor baby thing…every nation I’ve ever heard of doesn’t allow this stupidity. I would like us to impose heavy fines against anyone who employees an illegal alien. And if an illegal alien is caught committing a crime here the sentence should be increased by 50%. That ought to stop a lot of the criminal activity.

  4. Chris says:

    Machete–“Then invision seeing big huge lazy fat single
    mexican women who run the borders”

    “or WHAT in the HELL ever
    these MIDGETS call themselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

    Yeah, this whole anti-immigration thing has nothing to do with race or bigotry whatsoever!

    And Jack, you really want this racist, sexist, paranoid schizophrenic to have an AK-47?!

    That is very, very, very, very stupid.

  5. Post Scripts says:

    Chris, I don’t know who the person is, or if he is a man or a woman, or what race he is, but I can tell he’s angry and blowing off a little steam. He is angry at the people smuggling drugs and invading the country…that’s ok to be angry over that isn’t it? What about his concerns about being a victim of crime? I think he has raised some valid concerns about crime don’t you? The government sure isn’t protecting us…what do you say about that?

  6. Chris says:

    Being angry does not give anyone a right to be a racist, Jack. And the next time you claim that being anti-immigration has nothing to do with being racist, I will now be able to point to the exchange between you and Machete as strong evidence to the contrary. (There was sexism and size-ism in there, too.) You’re digging your own hole here.

    “The government sure isn’t protecting us…what do you say about that?”

    I’d say you’re badly misinformed, and willfully so. You do realize that deportations are at a record high, right? And that the Obama administration has focused its immigration efforts on immigrants who pose the greatest threats. Meanwhile, border violence has fallen.

    The fact that you’re ignoring this makes me question what your real motive is.

  7. Tina says:

    Chris: “Being angry does not give anyone a right to be a racist, Jack.”

    Sorry for butting in but what I see here is a PC cop walking the beat again.

    Words like “fat” “lazy” and “Mexican” used in the same sentence and writen by an “angry” sounding person automatically means the person is racist. How ’bout he is just sick and tired of the FACT (read the papers now and then) that people (this time they are Mexican but they could just as easily be white, black, yellow or red) are getting away with out of control criminal and immoral behaviors. It’s like other times in our history when gangsters ruled the streets of Chicago and nobody was safe in their homes or just driving down the street. My husbands father’s car had bullet holes in it!

    If white people were perpetrating these crimes “fat” and “lazy” would still apply and be used along with others to express disgust in the person for their BEHAVIOR!!! Is it name calling? YES! People do that, especially when they are at the ends of their ropes.

    Could this person be racist? Yes, it is possible, but it is equally possible that he/she is not.

    We are dealing with and discussing real world problems not engaging in campus study…and some of those problems are deadly serious. (Remember the rancher murdered on his own land?) These crimes are ugly and costly in many ways to our society and some are a pox on our children…making a living by feeding poison to young kids is nothing to sneeze at. This PC cop routine is boring, tiring and old.

    Meanwhile, border violence has fallen.

    And when GWB was president we were in a terrible economy when economic growth was positive over 16-18 consecutive quarters and the unemployment rate was in the 4.0 range. It comes down to what the people in Arizona, Mexican, Indian and white primarily are having to deal with. Putting warning signs up in national parks to stay ourt doesn’t exactly give them a sense of safety and a job well done.

    Obama may or may not be doing more about the immigration problem; it really depends on who you ask. He and Congrewss, in this desperate election season, are doing something different:

    LA Times: Reporting from Washington The Obama administration is considering a substantial spending increase on the Mexican drug war, the latest sign of its growing concern about the rampant violence incited by narcotics cartels in Mexico. Administration officials said internal debate on the issue continues, and they are not yet at a point where they can estimate how much of an increase may be requested.

    New York Times: MEXICO CITY The United States will withhold about $26 million promised for Mexicos drug war because of concerns that the country has not done enough to protect its people from police and military abuse. It is the first time that the United States, citing human rights concerns, has held back a portion of the financing for Mexico under the Merida Initiative, a three-year-old, $1.4 billion effort to help Mexico and Central American nations fight drug trafficking organizations.

    You figure it out…they can’t!

    Those crying racism have shamelessly thrown an unnecessary wrench into the efforts to bring order and justivce back to the law and order we expect because they are using the law in a PC manner with phony balona cahrges like “alleged patterns or practices of discriminatory police practices and unconstitutional searches and seizures.”

    It’s all a great big show…these are political charges. The party you support is filled to the brim with a bunch of lying jerks who would sell their grandmothers if they thought it could turn an election. Likewise they would divide the nation and possibly start a race war to try and turn their disgruntled base against their opponents. Disgusting.

  8. Libby says:

    “Machete” !?!

    Come on, Jack. I don’t know whether this guy’s (and it is a guy) taken his handle from the hutus or the tutsis, but we’re not having any of that crap here. As soon as we figure out who he is (and he’ll let us know any minute now), he’s getting locked up.

    What’s more, I really don’t give a flying (you guess) what his motivation, or even the object of his rage, is. He’s a sicko, and as soon as he acts on his sickness, he’s getting locked up.

  9. Tina says:

    Jack I just read back through Machete’s comments and found not one threat of any kind. How about you? The crimes he lists and the activities he describes do happen and do cause problems for Americans, especially those close to the borders of their states.

    What I did find is a long list of grievances that have been stewing and brewing for quite awhile and not just during this presidency but also through the last two. The extreme violence has certainly kicked up in the last year or two as well making the fears and concerns as expressed by Machete understandable.

    A few years back a prisoner escaped from somewhere and had been tracked into a neighborhood nearby heading our way. We were asked to turn on all of our outside lights to aid the sheriffs dept in their search and to lock our doors and windows and stay inside. I can’t imagine living like that night after night and day after day without getting a quite verbal about it. Why would anyone want to simply put up with it or “shut up” about it? Where is the sympathy and compassion for the residents of these states, many of whom are of Mexican heritage?

    I also notice that Machete feared for Mexican criminal activity against both blacks and whites and made a long list of known extremely violent Mexican gangs. Does it seem a bit strange to you that Chris, and now Libby, both either think that these people are harmless dirt farmers looking for work or willfully deny the existence of these gangs and their violent behaviors and intentions? Does it seem strange that they find a racist under every rock but are blind as bats to the criminals coming into this country just because they are (shhhh…) mexicans? Is that racial profiling…or just a failure of consciousness?

    Machete is a “sicko” for expressing in colorful language the criminal and unethical element that breaches our borders and takes advantage of our freedom and prosperity but these criminals and low lifes are saints because they happen to be Mexican?

    Man, this PC stuff is hard to keep up with. A person’s character based on right and wrong and the law, regardless of color, is much easier to track.

  10. Post Scripts says:

    Tina, that was very well said!! And you covered every important point that could be made; points that the left always seem completely oblivious too. (That is so frustrating)

  11. Chris says:


    If the phrases “big huge lazy fat single mexican women,” “sin-oritas,” and “midgets” used to describe Mexicans are not racist, than nothing is.

    That’s not political correctness. These are obvious racial slurs, as any fool can see.

    I know that you are not stupid enough to not know this, so I must conclude that you are once again playing games and going out of your way not to confront uncomfortable truths about the people on your side of the aisle.

    You know it’s racist. You must know it. You just won’t admit it.

    Baselessly accusing me of being unconcerned or of denying the existence of violent criminals who cross the border does not help your case. Like I have said, Obama has stepped up measures to address these violent criminals and I support these policies. For some reason, you don’t, and I’m beginning to think the sole reason for that is because they are being done by Obama, and it’s now considered illegal for a conservative to agree with anything he does. You always accuse me of being politically correct, but you are the one ignoring reality in favor of towing the conservative line.

  12. Tina says:

    Chris: “If the phrases ‘big huge lazy fat single mexican women,’ ‘sin-oritas,’ and ‘midgets’ used to describe Mexicans are not racist, than nothing is.”

    OK, then nothing is! The words were used to describe “particular” Mexicans, not all Mexicans. The words were used to describe the ones actually doing the things for which they are being noticed. Some of the words were unkind, but then, the activities are also unkind.

    “That’s not political correctness. These are obvious racial slurs, as any fool can see.”

    You “saw” it…draw your own conclucion about who is the fool.

    “I know that you are not stupid enough to not know this, so I must conclude that you are once again playing games and going out of your way not to confront uncomfortable truths about the people on your side of the aisle.”

    No sweetie, I just find it rediculous to spend a lot of time monitoring other people for the way they express themselves…playing word cop the way you do.

    “You know it’s racist. You must know it. You just won’t admit it.”

    Stamp that little foot…go ahead! It won’t change a thing. I have no idea what Machete is like as a human being…for all I know he/she is Mexican! He/she may have been a victim of some of this crime. You don’t know either, by the way, which makes you a person who is extremely judgemental, rather than observant, and who willfully jumps to conclusions (having been well schooled as a PC cop).

    “Baselessly accusing me of being unconcerned or of denying the existence of violent criminals who cross the border does not help your case.”

    What case? You’re the one with an axe to grind. If you’ve had anything to add to our discussions about immigration and border issues they have been dwarfed by the hysteria and fits you have about language.

    “Obama has stepped up measures to address these violent criminals and I support these policies. For some reason, you don’t…”

    Look, Chris, Obama has made some efforts, fine and dandy. I don’t recall saying I don’t support sending in the National uard or spending more money. I’m sure we can both find statistics and information to lend weight to our arguments about how effective he’s been. He has also made some remarkably stupid decisions, as has his justice department, IMHO. The longer he’s in office the more it appears that his decisions are made entirely as political calculation. That’s how I see it…I’m sure you disagree which is your right.

    “…and it’s now considered illegal for a conservative to agree with anything he does.”

    So, you’ve failed to notice the miriade times when conservative disagree about things? I can’t do a thing about that. If I remember correctly I wrote a somewhat sympathetic piece about Obama’s heritage and you attacked it so it appears it’s now “illegal” for you to notice when we treat him kindly.

    Your party is the lockstep party complete with the little PC badges.

    “You always accuse me of being politically correct, but you are the one ignoring reality in favor of towing the conservative line.”

    Ignoring reality? Machete (and Jack) outlined the “reality” while you busied yourself looking for signs of latent racism! You pulled this one out of your hat! It’s just another accusation based on policing what the contributors here say. Is that ALL you can do when the ratings go south?

    I just wrote a piece that expressed a different opinion from other conservatives on this blog about Bush’s choice to go into Iraq. We often have differing opinions; I think you know that, Chris.

  13. Chris says:

    “OK, then nothing is! The words were used to describe “particular” Mexicans, not all Mexicans.”

    OK then, cracker. Hey, I’m just talking about you, not all white people. What’s racist about that?

    If someone refers to a black man as the n-word, is that not racist because he’s talking about one black person and not all of them?

    Referring to Mexicans as “midgets” is an insult not based on their actions, but based on their race. “Sin-orita” is also a racially based insult. Racially based insults are racist. What part of this is still unclear to you?

    I hope you’ll forgive my use of the racially charged word “cracker,” but it was necessary to make my point that the use of such words is wrong.

    “Stamp that little foot…go ahead! It won’t change a thing. I have no idea what Machete is like as a human being…for all I know he/she is Mexican!”

    I’ve explained to you a million times that I don’t care what people who say racist things are like as human beings. I am a commenter on this blog and I care about what they write on this blog. It doesn’t matter if this guy is Mexican or not, just as I don’t believe it’s OK for blacks to use the n-word.

    I apologize for implying that you never disagree with fellow conservatives, because I have seen you do this and it was unfair of me to go that far. But in this instance, as well as many others, I think you are relying more on politics and not enough on common sense.

    You’ll have to refresh my memory about your article on Obama’s heritage, as that does not sound familiar to me.

  14. Post Scripts says:

    This commenter “Machete” had a larger and more important point to make and Chris… you get side tracked looking for the racial aspect. You’re trying to use PC as a defense.

    You’ve taken a highly defensive position and I wonder for what purpose? Are you defending parents of anchor babies, drugs smugglers or illegal aliens?

    Why can’t you bring yourself to look beyond a persons purely emotional remarks which were inappropriate and focus on the that which is real and presents a danger to our national security and economy?

    This commenter was obviously expressing him/herself in the most emphatic way they knew. My personal belief is they could have been more credible if they had left out the perjoritives. But, I can strongly relate to issues that fostered the less-than-PC verbage.

  15. Chris says:


    Had Machete simply expressed his anger over the drug smuggling and violence occurring in Arizona without using racist language, I would understand, and possibly even agree with him. I wouldn’t agree that Obama isn’t doing anything about the problem, and the numbers regarding crime committed by illegal immigrants have been wildly exaggerated by some on the right, but at least we could agree on the larger point that violence by illegal immigrants is a problem that needs to be addressed.

    But when someone injects racism into a topic, any topic, then racism is going to become the topic. Anyone who has an interest in combating racism has a duty to step in and say something.

    You may be satisfied standing by and enabling racism to occur…I’m not.

  16. Tina says:

    Chris: “OK then, cracker. Hey, I’m just talking about you, not all white people. What’s racist about that?”

    Chris that word doesn’t bother me…sorry to disappoint. If you’re going to expend this much energy fighting racism, I suggest you concentrate your efforts on more meaningful instances.

    “I’ve explained to you a million times that I don’t care what people who say racist things are like as human beings.”

    My my…you have a tough standard…a person that uses “unkind words” to describe a criminal is not worthy of your sympathies and sense of humanity but a minority criminal must be defended at all costs, even if he’s a violent murderer, rapists, or drug dealer! Harsh words are a bigger deal than the criminals threatening our citizens, including minority citizens!

    Such is the insidiousness of the PC culture.

    “But in this instance, as well as many others, I think you are relying more on politics and not enough on common sense.”

    This post was about the case against Arpaio. I posted information that supports Arpiao, a man I have followed for at least 15 years and for whom I have a lot of respect. Machete injected an impassioned statement that reflects the desperation some Arizonans feel. All you could see was the harsh words he used, nailing them and him, as only a true PCer would, as racist. After that all else was set aside. What is politcal about this ridiculous argument, except for the fact that you have decided conservatives, tea party folk, are racist and you are hell bent to prove it…now that’s political! I’m not sure where th need to treat others as if you were their parent comes from.

    Take a look inthe mirror, dude, it’s the silly season!

  17. Wade Kirk says:

    Our product provides safe, instant access to your shotgun exactly when you need it most.

  18. Chris says:

    Tina: “My my…you have a tough standard…a person that uses “unkind words” to describe a criminal is not worthy of your sympathies and sense of humanity”

    Not “unkind words.” Racist words.

    “but a minority criminal must be defended at all costs, even if he’s a violent murderer, rapists, or drug dealer!”

    Name one minority criminal that I’ve defended.

    “Harsh words are a bigger deal than the criminals threatening our citizens, including minority citizens!”

    I never said or implied that.

    “All you could see was the harsh words he used, nailing them and him, as only a true PCer would, as racist.”

    If it takes a “true PCer” to be able to tell that calling Mexicans midgets is racist, then yes, I guess I am a “true PCer,” as are most people who know what the definition of racism is.

    “After that all else was set aside. What is politcal about this ridiculous argument, except for the fact that you have decided conservatives, tea party folk, are racist and you are hell bent to prove it…”

    I have not “decided” any such thing. I do not need to prove anything. Machete proved his racism with his own words. By not challenging those words, you have proven your own tolerance of racism.

  19. Tina says:

    Chris quoting Tina & response: “…but a minority criminal must be defended at all costs, even if he’s a violent murderer, rapists, or drug dealer!” ** “Name one minority criminal that I’ve defended.”

    How about a whole group! Quoting Machete who’s manner of speaking about criminals was more worthy of your disdain than the criminals themselves:

    “big huge lazy fat single mexican women who run the borders or the most vicious DRUG CARTEL GANGS in the whole entire WORLD!!! These sin-oritas are the most crucial part of the MEXICAN DRUG CARTEL!!!…

    “I never said or implied that.”

    Maybe you are just too naive to realize that to focus on harsh descriptive words of criminals and murderers rather than the point being made is a defense of them…in my book it is. Calling a person who chooses this life names is not offensive to me. Not calling them names is offensive to me. Coddling them with PC acceptance is offensive to me.

    “If it takes a “true PCer” to be able to tell that calling Mexicans midgets is racist…”

    He wasn’t calling Mexicans midgets; he was calling criminals and murderers midgets as an impassioned statement of disbelief at the lack of assistance the Arizona law enforcement people are getting from the Obama administration.

    “Machete proved his racism with his own words. By not challenging those words, you have proven your own tolerance of racism.”


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