Movie Review – Machete Rated R for racist

by Jack Lee

Warning: This is an ultra action movie. It’s long on gratuitous violence and short on plot and good acting. And that’s okay if that’s your thing. But, once again Hollywood has to weave in a political message that is bigger than the main character called Machete. The audience is hit over the head with the same old message until I’m wincing in my seat. Enough already…I get it, America is basically made up of just two camps, and they both oppress the poor Hispanics: Camp #1 is the filthy rich white bigots who run the drug trade on the border and exploit innocent hard working Mexicans on both sides and #2 is the insanely bigoted and stupid redneck types who are used by #1 to keep the hate alive and also help control the border inadvertantly for drug traffickers. These mean bigots shoot helpless Mexicans migrants just for coming across the border – and they do it for sport. (I think these shooters were supposed to be Minutemen, it kinda looked that way.) The shooters are always grinning and laughing as they gun down undocumented workers….which, as anyone in East LA will tell you, is really, really true too!

After only 20 minutes of this pro-open border propaganda flick it was enough to make the average person of Hispanic ancestry fantasize about shooting white people. No kidding, this movie validated all their fears, exploited them and their loathing about whites taking advantage of them. I can’t imagine what they (producers) could have done to make whitely look any more evil, unless they were shooting pregnant women…oops, no that was in there too…the shot a pregnant woman and some kid. But, don’t care about the message and you just want to see a lot of heads being lopped off, people being stabbed, watch a few nude scenes while you’re treated to seeing courageous, sympathetic Hispanic characters fighting for their honor and the right to survive against all sorts of filthy and evil rich white oppressors…. then this is your kind of movie! There are a lot of corny lines like, “The border crossed me, I didn’t cross the border.” It got so corny at times we felt like this movie was dark comedy. As they would say in the barrios It’s a weener essa’! Actually I thought it really was a weener, but not in a nice way.

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6 Responses to Movie Review – Machete Rated R for racist

  1. Tina says:

    Jack thanks for the review, Ill be sure to avoid it.

    We saw “The Town” instead and were pleasantly surprised. Decent story, well directed by Ben Affleck.

  2. Soaps says:

    Jack, I can’t believe you wasted your hard-earned pension money on that piece of trash, especially since you must have known what it would be like before you bought the ticket. Wasn’t Zombieland playing? Oh, that’s right, you saw that already, but it was called the Democratic Party convention.

  3. Post Scripts says:

    Soaps: Actually it was Shari who insisted this was the movie we should see, more because it was on at the right time, not so much because she knew what she was getting in too! lol

  4. fender555 says:

    maybe if this movie would have had some old black guy on some plantation answering “yes masta” or some white cowboy killing hundreds of mexicans with one six shooter that never runs out of ammo it would have been more your style of movie.the fact the the roles are reversed has a bunch of idiots calling it racist.hell hispanics and african americans have been watching this kind of bullshit since hollywood began making movies.doesn’t feel so good does it.i’ll tell what the’ve said to us all this time “it’s only a movie” so get over it haha!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Post Scripts says:

    fender555 you make a lot of assumptions about the author, you must know him well, eh? Or could it be you don’t know him at all and you are just inserting your own prejudice thoughts in here? Whatever, it was just a critique about a movie. Next time, leave your racist feelings at the box office and then judge it on its merits. Either you like it for what the movie is or you don’t.

  6. fender555 says:

    so what mr.critic you have never seen the type of movie i discribed earlier?i wasn’t talking about any author is talking about the you’ve never seen anything like that?how does that make me racist pointing out things that i’ve seen in other movies? relax don’t get your panties all up in a knot.

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