The Civil War Has Begun Again in 2010 (No, not literally)

BY Jack Lee

In an effort to keep you abreast of what’s happening in GOP politics, here’s a little tid-bit… CIVIL WAR HAS BROKEN OUT!


That’s right, it’s a civil war between those beltway, establishment repubs and those candidates who won’t even use the name republican on their campaign signs..and this attitude goes all the way down to the grass roots. They would all sooner just call themselves conservatives. Have you noticed that? I have a lot of friends like that and I have to admit, I prefer to call myself a conservative than a partisan republican.

That name disassociation is interesting because it implies or reflects three general things starting with the dismal job the GOP has done in recruiting and backing core-value candidates. Next it is a reflection of the GOP’s performance when they controlled everything from the White House on down and last, but certainly not least…there is the Tea Party factor. This national movement has galvanized a resistance movement against bad government regardless of party affiliation and it’s ignited a civil war among GOP factions.

The Tea Party effect can’t be marginalized anymore; it’s opened a big door that refuses to be shut. Voters are flooding through it. The TP are recruiting and winning elections for all good candidates representing their belief (and reason for being) in sound economic principles. However, they have done far more than merely bringing attention to fiscal responsibility. It’s not stated anywhere in the Tea Party principles, but for anyone who has spent at least two minutes among them you will soon know there is a deep reverence for the core values that founded this nation and the Republican Party begun under Lincoln.

Civil war has broken out amongst the party ranks in the GOP and the grass roots are winning. They are going to redefine what the GOP can be and should be, even if it means losing a few elections to RINO’S. This is placing principles before partisanship, something I have always wanted to see and here it comes….The Civil War Has Begun Again in 2010! That statement (of fact) has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?

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9 Responses to The Civil War Has Begun Again in 2010 (No, not literally)

  1. Soaps says:

    Geeze, not you too. I see this kind of exaggeration and overreaction every day on the news. Every little minor item is turned into a major trend. If there is one shark attack anywhere in the world, the TV news reports play the theme song from Jaws and warn about a growing epidemic. If a politician says that when she was in high school she had a friend who goofed around playing witches, it’s the lead story on every national news program. There is no such thing as the weather. It is always Extreme Weather. If Paris Hilton farts, we hear about methane causing global warming. I know those reporters want to hype every story to attract attention, but I expected better from Post Scripts. Civil War? Horsefeathers.

  2. Post Scripts says:

    I wish I could take credit for the term civil war, as its a very clever attention getter. But, I heard it coming from Sean Hannidy and Newt Gingrich. Later I heard it on a radio talk show coming from another Washington commentator. The point of using such a descriptor is simple, there is general feeling in the GOP that there is a civil war within the party that has pitting one faction (the establishment republicans) against another kind, the core value supporters.

    You would be completely missing the point of this terminology if you thought of this as a hate filled massive battle. It’s not, obviously, it’s a campaign for hearts and minds of the average voter and the grass roots activists are winning as evidenced by core value conservatives and their string of election victories.

    Don’t be put off by the term “civil war”, it’s a good term for a good war and the right people are winning.

    L.A. Times wrote, “Civil war!

    That was the talk on the Sunday shows and blogosphere last week. The conservative “establishment” had backed Mike Castle in the Delaware primary over the “tea party” favorite, ”

    So nah, I don’t think the term was wrong to use – its the buzz phrase of the week, that’s all.

  3. Peggy says:

    The Tea Party movement of today reflects the republican values and its base of over 30 years ago. The shift took place gradually to make room for the progressive movement, which came in to the democratic party and eventually in to the republican party. The current establishment republican party congressional representatives are aligned closer to the past democratic party when the Kennedys were serving.

    I believe the 2010 “Civil War” started for similar reasons as the first one. Freedom being owned by a country is just as wrong as being owned by another person. Our rights are endowed by our creator. If man gives us our rights than we are slaves.

    Now, the question is if we take back our party, creating a shift to the right, and the democrats get their party back from the progressives where do the progressives go? Hopefully, out the door and across the ocean. When they go they can take Soros, Gore, Jones, H. Clinton and all the rest of them. We will need to stand our guard and make sure they never infiltrate our country again.

    The taste of freedom again will be soooo sweet, and to see our country become the great country it once was will be an answer to many of our prayers.

  4. Quentin Colgan says:

    “This national movement has galvanized a resistance movement against bad government REGARDLESS of party affiliation . . . . ”
    I keep hearing that canard. Then I read another entry of yours where we only need to get rid of one party’s incumbents. Hmmmm. Kinda partisan, don’t you think?
    You rank and file types can’t even see that your masters–Hannity and Rush–are torpedoing the movement.
    IF–and it’s a damned big IF–you baggerz were truly non-partisan, you would form a third party. I would join it in a heartbeat. But, by clinging to the Republican corporate model, you guys are doomed to keep your numbers at about 12%.
    When I hear Jack Lee publicly say that he will not vote for Wally Herger–and you know why you shouldn’t–I will start to take you guys seriously.

  5. Post Scripts says:

    Quentin, my reference was to the democrats, was mostly for California Dems, we had been talking about California, but it could also apply to Dems in Congress.. They (far left liberal dems) have done immeasurable damage because they have dominance over all legislation.

    My logic is democrats = bad legislation = bad governance = a weaker America.

    Response: Vote them out.

    I could have said and also vote out all republican who are bad, but they haven’t done much wrong because they are without power and totally at the mercy of the democrats who are responsible and who have done great damage. Is there something I missed in my logic, if so, please feel free to enlighten me.

    By the way, I don’t set policy for the Tea Party and my thoughts are my own. I belong to the Tea Party because they share my thoughts on fiscal restraint and accountability.

    As for Rush and Hannity have they spoke at any Tea Party events? Have they issued orders to the Tea Party members? Not that I am aware. As for being unduly influenced by them as an organization I don’t see it, I do see that they mirror our feelings about fiscal responsibility and thats the extent of their affiliation.

    There is no corporate model, if we were to become a 3rd party that would be closer to being a model of traditional politicos. I like to think of Tea Party people as more of an intellectual mob, without any stong party bosses and basically just grass roots leaders working together to make things happen.

  6. Post Scripts says:

    “When I hear Jack Lee publicly say that he will not vote for Wally Herger–and you know why you shouldn’t–I will start to take you guys seriously.”

    Quentin I am glad you said that. I hope youre ready to start taking us seriously? Here goes, sit down and fasten your seat belt:

    In the past I have been critical of Wally for his lack aggressiveness in proposing original and much needed reform legislation and merely being one who signs on to the ideas that come from others. I did endorse Pete Stiglich in the primary during an official CRA endorsement meeting because I felt we needed new blood in Congress with fresh ideas and an aggressive attitude.

    I felt that Wally, a really nice man of good character, one who has always voted with the majority of GOP, has had a great run and I can respect his values and his service. In this day of corruption and scandal that is enough to get you re-elected!!! So, we gave Wally a wonderful career, but a lot of us think he’s past his prime. Its time for Wally to step aside and let someone with fire-in-the-belly take over now. We need somebody willing to shake things up and fight!

    That’s just not Wally. Did you know he was once written up in a major national magazine because of one dubious distinction – he the most unknown, long serving, congressman in Washington! Ouch. Well, he was being true to his plan – he’s made it his #1 priority to stay low on the radar and not make waves and it worked. Nobody disliked Wally in Washington, then again nobody really like him either because nobody knew him. He was the most anonymous guy there.

    But, this allowed him to come home unscathed, then glad hand his constituency and schmooze his many supporters while showing off his great voting record and all his co-sponsorships of bills. That simple re-election formula has worked for years. It’s won him election after election for well over 20 years! But, voters are more demanding now. Many of us have grown up on his watch and want more than what Wally can offer us. So the voter frustration is building and the question now is which will come first, Will Wally retire or will he get stay too long and get voted? Thats the big question. And you know that sooner or later we will have a tipping point where he will be at risk.

    The voters want and need real strong representation from a smart guy with a big mouth in Washington, willing to challenge democrats and call them out. That sadly is just not our Wally….he’s a nice quiet man and he votes the party line no matter what it may be or how he personally feels. He’s a go along to get along kind of guy and this has allowed him to survive where others have flamed out.

    Quentin you must know that for the longest time Wally has had no credible challengers and that has been a gift to his re-election in a solid republican district. Pete Stiglich was the closest we’ve come to a real strong challenger. Pete was a good choice, but you know he didn’t have a chance against an entrenched incumbent, with all the money and campaign professionals needed to defeat any opposition. The odds of defeating such an incumbent are astronomical and then consider that the establishment GOP leaders do not like to see challengers to rep incumbents and they will do whatever they can to stop them. In their world, it’s considered bad form to run against an incumbent republican. They want that assurance of retaining a seat no matter who is in it, as long as there is an R after their name. Ready to start taking us more seriously now?

  7. Tina says:

    Quentin: “I keep hearing that canard. Then I read another entry of yours where we only need to get rid of one party’s incumbents. Hmmmm. Kinda partisan, don’t you think?”

    We do need to get rid of many Democrats…some are communist, others socialist and nearly all lean toward BIG government policy. Republicans have been foolish enough to think that forcing a slow march toward socialism was the best they could do. (In reality it probably was because for too many years the people were clueless about the ramifications of the socialist agenda and continued to gove Dems more power). However, if you’ve been paying attention to the primary results you have noticed that Republican incumbants ARE being tossed!

    There is a reason for alignment with party. Power in numbers. The Democrat Party is run by very left thinking people. Republicans have not been effective but at least have ideas and principles that are aligned with the Constitutional principles of small federal government and individuial freedom and responsibility. Affiliation with a party doesn not mean lockstep obedience as the GOP big shots are discovering. Independents don’t have any power and seldom win…unless they have been an incumbant.

    You rank and file types can’t even see that your masters–Hannity and Rush–are torpedoing the movement.”


    “IF–and it’s a damned big IF–you baggerz were truly non-partisan, you would form a third party. I would join it in a heartbeat. But, by clinging to the Republican corporate model, you guys are doomed to keep your numbers at about 12%.”

    You are incredible! There you sit atop that pedistal, insulting others, railing against the TP and then suggesting they should do it your way! IF ONLY we were smart enough to do it your way then YOU would join us and VOILA! 12% is having quite an amazing impact and you ain’t seen nothin yet!

    What’s Quentins percentage?

  8. Bishop says:

    I’ll show you civil war as soon as you hear the crack from my sniper rifle.. Enough is enough. I’m ready to die and kill if need be. One thing is certain, I’ll kill first..
    F-u you America, you f’ed me, now it’s my turn.. Civil war, it’s time.

  9. Post Scripts says:

    Bishop – You sound pretty frustrated and mad and given the times, it’s understandable. But, just remember we’re in this mess together…there’s millions of us going through the recession and every one of us has a story…everyone. For instance, I’ve been swindled out of 2/3rds of my retirement money thanks to corporate crooks cooking the books until the truth leaked out and my stocks dropped to a fraction of what they were. My retirement income fell by 50% and I’m too old to make it back now. It’ hurts. So, yes the times are tough and life isn’t always fair. The crooks and cheats seem to get away with robbery…but in the end there is justice. I’ve never seen a cheat yet who got away with it forever, they always fall. So don’t be discouraged, don’t let your anger cause you to do something you will regret, something that your family will regret, okay?

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