Arpaio Gets Top Rating


Posted by Tina

As many of you know Sherrif Joe Arpaio has been under federal investigation for some time. He is being accused of racism in his professional capacity among other things. As the slow work of the justice department plays out we must wait for a final determination. I have no doubt that he will be vindicated in the end. Meanwhile….

A second federal audit of Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s jail fascilities has resulted once more in the highest possible designation:

The Marshals Service conducted routine inspections of jail facilities operated by the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office in September 2009 and again recently. Those inspections, separate from the Justice civil-rights probe, were done as part of agreements under which the Maricopa sheriff houses some of the Marshals Service’s federal prisoners. ** Mr. Arpaio’s department polices much of the suburban region outside of Phoenix. ** In the inspections, the Marshals Service gave Mr. Arpaio’s facility “compliant” grades, the highest mark, in all major categories, according to the September 2009 inspection reports. In another series of inspections this month, the Maricopa County jails received the same grades, Marshals Service spokesman Thomas Henman said. ** In particular, the Maricopa County facilities received “compliant” ratings related to prevention of discrimination against detainees, according to the 2009 reports.

Since Joe is a target of the far left’s racism bleat I thought our loyal readers should know he’s still on the job and still performing, as expected, like a professional.

I’m not sure we can say the same for the Justice Department, see here, here, and here.

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One Response to Arpaio Gets Top Rating

  1. diane says:

    Another Neo-Nazi going down. It’s time real Americans take our country back from this archaic and reprehensible scourge. Keep doing your “job”, Joe. You’ll look great in pink.

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