Breaking News CRA Issues Positions – A PS Exclusive

by Jack Lee

Last night Pete Weber, Vice Chair North for the California Republican Assembly hosted a meeting with Mitch Brown, South Butte County Chairman for the CRA. Mr. Weber announced the following official CRA positions on the California Ballot Initiatives coming up in November:

Proposition 19 NO
Proposition 20 YES
Proposition 21 NO
Proposition 22 No Position – abstained
Proposition 23 YES (Sponsored by Dan Logue)
Proposition 24 NO
Proposition 25 NO
Proposition 26 YES
Proposition 27 NO


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10 Responses to Breaking News CRA Issues Positions – A PS Exclusive

  1. Peggy says:

    Jack, Pete Weber also announced Karen England is running as a write-in candidate for Lt. Governor.

    Please share what you think about this.

  2. Post Scripts says:

    Hi Peggy, yes he did and since Pete said he had mixed feelings and didn’t wish to offer us a direction to take, I didn’t think too much about it. I believe Englands motives are more personal than political when it comes to her opponent – Maldonado-R. She was poorly prepared to run and at best it might draw some votes away from Maldonado to help the dems.

  3. Harriet says:

    I have a different opinion on 26, Isn’t this to change from a 2/3 vote to majority 50 plus 1?
    They would have a greater chance of repealling prop 13.

    Prop 27, Isn’t there a conflict with 20?

  4. Post Scripts says:

    Proposition 26 on the Nov. 2 ballot would close loopholes to prevent increasing so-called “fees” to circumvent the two-thirds’ majority required for tax increases by the state Legislature. Locally, the proposition would broaden the definition of taxes to include some charges now classified as “fees” and apply the same constitutional two-thirds’ requirement when the money is to be used for a specified purpose. These redefined “fees” would be subject to majority approval when local government doesn’t specify how the money is to be used.

    Opponents of the proposition say redefining some fees as taxes will make it more difficult to hold accountable polluters who create environmental damage. But as proponents of Prop. 26 note, California already has among the nation’s strictest laws to hold accountable those who harm the environment.

    What Prop. 26 really is about is preventing the growing tendency to impose taxes disguised as fees when voters clearly have rejected tax increases. For the most part, government budgetary problems don’t stem from inadequate taxation, but instead from over-spending and undisciplined budgeting.

  5. Steve says:


    Prop 20 puts congressional districts under citizen redistricting control the way our state legislature is now. Prop 27 eliminates citizen redistricting and was written and paid for by the democrats in the legislature who don’t want to give up their gerrymandered districts. So, vote YES on 20 and NO on 27.

    Proposition 22 is also interesting in that numerous Republicans disagree and the CRA actually took a pass on it. Personally I am supporting it because it will protect local funds from being raided by the state, and ultimately we need to shift control of resources to the counties and cities and away from the state. No matter how bad you think local government would be, the state has made it much worse.

    And of course, we absolutely need a YES on 23. Otherwise we’re electing a bunch of captains for the titanic.

  6. Harriet says:

    Thanks for clarification, Other than what I asked about, I had the same as Post Scripts.

  7. Peggy says:

    Not sure where I stand on this either, but I did meet her at the CRA endorsement convention last March and was very impressed with her.

    Here is what I’ve found others saying about her running at Red County. And her own explanation too.

    Karen England: “Why I am Running for Lt. Governor”
    By Chip Hanlon

    In her own words, conservative Republican Karen England describes why she has decided to run a write-in campaign for Lt. Governor of California. Click here to read about Karen’s impressive conservative background, and the tireless work she does for the cause.

    I enthusiastically endorse Karen in this race, fyi, and this is not the last you will hear about this story here at Red County– not by a long shot.

    Now, from the candidate herself:

    Why I am Running

    I began last week, along with many of you, urging acting governor Abel Maldonado to file the State’s appeal in the federal case involving Proposition 8. I ended the week as his opponent and a candidate for the office of Lieutenant Governor.

    To some this may seem extreme or be dismissed as a publicity stunt. It is neither. It is the proper response when we find the two front runners for the office of Lieutenant Governor do not share our principles, our values or our respect for the legal system.

    The democratic nominee and mayor of San Francisco is the poster child for self indulgent government that disregards the will of the public. The Republican nominee, who leveraged betrayal of his party into an appointment to this vacant position, showed an inability to properly lead in his brief debut this past week as acting governor. His actions were so disturbing that I believe he is now unelectable to this position.

    If Republicans and conservatives wish to be represented in this important office, we must look beyond the names preprinted on our ballots. This is why am running as a write-in candidate for the office of California Lieutenant Governor.

    Admittedly my sudden candidacy raises many questions. As a long time Republican I am open to criticism in running against the Republican nominee. Won’t my candidacy hurt the chances for the Republican nominee? Should we not just go for the win and support whoever has an R behind their name?

    First, as I noted before, I believe that Abel Maldonado has made himself unelectable. My candidacy may be the only chance for a Republican to win this seat.

    But more than that, Republicans have been tempted too many times to “go for the win”. If Abel Maldonado was running for reelection as governor, I might be persuaded that I should hold my nose and vote for the member of my party. But he is not. He is running for an office with much less power that is often seen as the governor-in-waiting.

    We need to send a clear message now that Maldonado should not be regarded as the favorite for the Republican nomination for governor four or eight years down the road.

    Please join me in restoring integrity and principled leadership to the office of Lieutenant Governor.

    By Ken Campbel
    Karen England for Lt. Governor Expands Her Campaign Team

    Wow, very impressive, conservative Karen England has just hired Patrick Davis (link here) to run her campaign for Lt. Governor. In addition the rumor is that the value of six figures in I.E.s has been committed. Karen England also seems to have CA Tea Party people for her volunteers. Of course the conventional wisdom is that these types of write-in campaigns do not work… but will conventional wisdom prevail in this election cycle??

    Whatever the case, it is the time for choosing. Either you believe in higher taxes, bigger government, unrestrained spending and fiscal irresponsibility… and you support RINO Abel Maldonado— or you support fiscal responsibility, limited Constitutional government, the free market and conservative Karen England. We are losing our country and state, piling mountains of debt upon our kids that will never be paid back. The time for half-measures is over; it is truly a time for choosing.

  8. Post Scripts says:

    Well if you like her Peggy I’ll vote for her.

  9. Peggy says:

    I don’t like Maldonado that’s for sure. He’s another liberal wearing a republican cloak. I’d rather vote my values and have a clear conscience than vote for someone I would not vote for if given a real choice.

    So, as of today my vote is going to Karen. She may not win, but there could be a clear message delivered either way.

  10. Harriet says:

    Karen England is great, I have known of her for years, and have donated to her causes.

    Unfortunately the only place I have heard of the write in is here.

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