Dems on WMD’s & Iraq

Submitted by Peggy. Peggy we’ve posted the words before on PS…but it’s so much better in living color! Thanks for sharing.

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4 Responses to Dems on WMD’s & Iraq

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    On a completely unrelated matter. What do you think of this rising star?

  2. Tina says:

    Woo hoo…I’ve been a fan for years!!!

    Here’s Herman Cain, the man who made Godfathers Pizza, from the article:

    Im not a politician. Im a problem solver, Cain says. The people of Washington DC when was the last time they fixed anything? Name one. They havent fixed anything. Thats what frustrates me and a lot of people.

    I hope he does run for President; we could use a “problem solver” about now.

  3. Toby says:

    Peggy that is great! It never gets old.
    I am sure the Liberals and so called “Independents” will happen to miss this, maybe we should just leave it here forever. I know if I were President Bush that would play on Dallas Cowboy sized screens all over the Presidential library.

  4. Post Scripts says:

    Pie, Jack Lee here…thank you for that link. This guy is great..100X better than Meg Whitman.

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