New Black Panther Civil Rights Probe Heats Up

Posted by Tina

The Washington Times reported yesterday on the investigation into allegations that the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division is guilty of “racialist nonenforcement of voting rights laws,” a charge that came to the fore in the New Black Panther case. The testimony is damning:

Friday’s testimony to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights came from much-decorated Justice Department veteran Christopher Coates, a hero of the civil rights legal community when he was a lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union. “The election of President Obama,” he said, “brought to positions of influence and power with the Civil Rights Division many of the very people who had demonstrated hostility to the concept of equal enforcement of the Voting Rights Act.” ** Mr. Coates named names and gave numerous examples of how the division and its political supervisors refuse to enforce civil rights laws to protect white victims against black perpetrators. He said his supervisor, Loretta King, then serving in a political position as acting assistant attorney general, specifically forbade him from asking prospective employees if they would be willing to enforce civil rights laws in a race-neutral manner. Additionally, he testified that the department under Mr. Perez has refused to enforce federal law that requires states to remove ineligible voters – including dead people and incarcerated felons – from their voting rolls. Mr. Coates officially recommended a full year ago that the department enforce the law against at least eight states that were flagrantly noncompliant, but Mr. Perez and the Obama team ignored the issue.

Americans must be able to rely on the Justice Department to uphold our civil rights and voting laws. A justice department that engages in pay back justice will not further the cause of minorities and could potentially destroy gains that were made through blood and sacrifice. Heads should roll.

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2 Responses to New Black Panther Civil Rights Probe Heats Up

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    You can read Coates’ testimony for yourself (in pdf format). Linked to here, courtesy of David Horowitz –

    Best regards,
    Pie Guevara
    “Pieing the left since 1971”

  2. Tina says:

    Pie thanks for the link. Transcripts are not easy to slog through but this certainly caught my eye:

    what Mr. Kappelhoff had not factored in his criticism of the Brown case was that the primary role of the CRD (Civil Rights Division) is to enforce the civil rights laws enacted by Congress, not to serve as a crowd pleaser for many civil rights groups. * Many of those groups, on the issue of race-neutral enforcement of the VRA (Voting rights Act) frankly have not pursued the goal of equal protection of law for all people. Instead, many of these groups act, as they did in the Brown case, not as civil rights groups, but as special interest lobbies for racial and ethnic minorities and demand, not equal treatment, but enforcement of the VRA only for racial and language minorities. Such a claim for unequal treatment is the ultimate demand for preferential racial treatment.

    Loretta Kings objection to his asking applicants to this division of the DOJ if they would be willing to work on cases involving discrimination against persons of any race is telling. The cheek of this woman to essentially declare that blacks could now openly intimidate white voters in violation of the VRA with impunity after assuming a position of power as Obamas acting civil rights AAG(Assistant Attorney General)!

    What the h*ll was the civil rights movement about if not equal treatment under the law!

    At the very least the notion some blacks had, that whites would not vote for a black person for president, was based in bigotry and racism. Why else would they think they needed to cheat to put Obama in the WH? Or is something even darker afoot as Shabazz indicatedsome want and expect to be overlords.

    I am thoroughly disgusted.

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