Love Chico Event

From Peggy….

Wish I had thought of this earlier before I had to get ready to head out for the Love Chico event. Hopefully, I can pull together enough info for you to put something on Post Script.

Love Chico started 3 years ago with a handful of churches getting volunteers from their congregation to work of projects at non-profit sites in Chico. Today it has grown to 29 churches and over 3,000 volunteers.

We will be doing everything from painting holistic playgrounds at schools for the children, visiting with the elderly at assistive care facilities, clening and painting facilities for the homeless, cleaning up the “Party Zone” at CSUC and bike paths all over. We will also do badly needed repairs to the human shelter for animals.

We are all meeting this morning to work on our projects. (I’m making pink ribbons for the American Cancer Society.) Then at 12:00 we are heading down for lunch and a celebration service at the city plaza.

So, if you see us out there today say a prayer for safe keeping and join us next year to be thankful for our community and to “Love Chico”.

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One Response to Love Chico Event

  1. Peggy says:

    Thanks Jack for posting this, even with all the typos. We didn’t work at the “human” shelter, we worked at the humane society animal shelter. Sorry about that. But, lots done for the humans too.

    It was an aswesome day with over 3500 volunteers loving Chico back. Looking forward to next year.

    Thanks again, and God Bless.

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