Save The Planet – No Pressure (Rated R for Violence)

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8 Responses to Save The Planet – No Pressure (Rated R for Violence)

  1. Tina says:

    The AGW hard cores will do just about anything it seems.

    I understand the backlash was both swift and deadly; the ad was pulled.

    According to this site:

    the ad, funded in part by, Microsoft, Adidas, Pret a Manger and Aviva, has been pulled. The creators are a group called 10:10.

    10:10 is a global warming mitigation campaign calling for a 10% reduction in carbon emissions in 2010. The project aims to demonstrate public support, apply pressure to policymakers to commit to national cuts, and inspire success at the United Nations climate change negotiations.

    After the ad was pulled several of the corporate sponsors withdrew their support.

  2. Post Scripts says:

    “After the ad was pulled several of the corporate sponsors withdrew their support.” Can’t imagine why? Mark…you’re a true believer – you see anything wrong with it?

  3. Chris says:

    What. The. Hell?

    This seems more like an ad against “global warming nuts” than one that’s designed to raise awareness. Why would this bring anyone over to the cause of fighting global warming?

    Unbelievably stupid marketing, in addition to being absolutely tasteless and disgusting.

  4. Mark says:

    The video is dark satire, and I am into dark humor. So, while it is sick. . . .

    I am not surprised the video was made, I am just surprised that any organization would want to associate themselves with it.

  5. Post Scripts says:

    Well said Chris!!! My thoughts exactly.

  6. Steve says:

    When I first saw this I too thought it was a tasteless ad against the global warming folks. Then I looked into it and saw that it was a very tasteless ad from the people who it makes bad! As I understand the ad has been pulled and a number of sponsors are backing out from the environmental group that put this together.

    I appreciate the occasional dark humor, but for a political group to do this was insane. Could you imagine if the NRA did a “spoof” commercial where they shot people against the 2nd Amendment? We’d never hear the end of it. And what does this really say about the people who did this? If they find this funny instead of disgusting, is it perhaps that they see people who disagree with them as deserving of being blown up? Even children?

    BTW, this video needs a warning for the bloody scenes.

  7. Tina says:

    James Toranto (WSJ) had an intersting take:

    What kind of people blow up children?
    White supremacists, for one example. On the morning of Sept. 15, 1963, members of a Ku Klux Klan “splinter group” set off dynamite under the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Ala., killing four girls: Denise McNair, Addie Mae Collins, Carole Robertson and Cynthia Wesley. Denise was 11; the other three were 14.

    Islamic supremacists, for another example. Groups like Hamas and al Qaeda not only attack civilians indiscriminately but frequently employ Muslim children as suicide bombers. Our friend Brooke Goldstein made a whole movie about it.

    There’s a new kind of supremacist on the scene: green supremacists. They haven’t blown up any children–not in real life. But they’ve been thinking about it. (snip)

    The “crime” for which the children in the video are “executed” is one of omission, not commission. They are murdered not even for dissenting against 10:10’s political crusade, but merely for being indifferent to it. This is the essence of totalitarianism. (snip)

    No one but the most extreme climate change denier believes this is actually what environmentalists want. It’s obviously just a joke outrageous enough to actually get people’s attention.

    Read the entire piece here:

  8. Mark says:

    For additional dark humor on the subject visit:

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