Here are our long considered voter recommendations:

1. Governor – Meg Whitman

2. Lt. Gov. – Abel Maldanado

3. Senate – Carly Fiorina

4. Attorney General – Steve Cooley

5. Secretary of State – Damon Dunn

6. Insurance Commissioner – Tony Strickland

7. State Treasurer – MiMi Walters

8. Insurance Commissioner – Mike Villines

  2. Prop 20 SUPPORT
  3. Prop 21 OPPOSE
  4. Prop 22 NUETRAL
  6. Prop 24 OPPOSE
  7. Prop 25 OPPOSE
  8. Prop 26 SUPPORT
  9. Prop 27 OPPOSE

Chico City Council

  • Mark Sorensen
  • Bob Evans
  • Bob Kromer

ps strongly opposes the Chico City Council incumbents because they (excluding Larry Wahl) cost the city over a million dollars in a lawsuit that could have been avoided. Our City Attoreny warned them, but they ignored his advice and acted to reverse their position and shut down a legal subdivision. This cost the taxpayers big time when it went to court and the city lost! We say fire this current city council – we strongly support Sorensen, Evans and Kromer, they are our best hope for good city government!

Biggs City Council

  • Angela Thompson

Chico Unified School District, Governing Board Member

  • Sean H. Worthington
  • Dean V. Stefanides
  • Erik Lyon

City of Oroville, City Council Member

  • Barbara Cheri Bunker
  • Gordon Andoe

City of Oroville, Mayor

  • Victoria K. Coots

Town of Paradise, Town Council Member

  • Tim Titus


Summary of Propositions

Proposition 19. Legalizes Marijuana Under California But Not Federal Law. Permits Local Governments to Regulate and Tax Commercial Production, Distribution, and Sale of Marijuana — State of California (Initiative Statute – Majority Approval Required)

Should California legalize the possession and cultivation of marijuana for personal use of adults 21 years and older, and allow state and local governments to regulate and tax related commercial activities?

Proposition 20. Redistricting of Congressional Districts — State of California (Initiative Constitutional Amendment – Majority Approval Required)
Should the state Constitution be amended to have the Citizens Redistricting Commission redistrict for the U.S. House of Representatives, to change existing redistricting criteria, and to reduce the redistricting timeline?

Proposition 21. Establishes $18 Annual Vehicle License Surcharge to Help Fund State Parks and Wildlife Programs. Grants Surcharged Vehicles Free Admission to All State Parks — State of California (Initiative Statute – Majority Approval Required)
Should the state levy an additional annual $18 vehicle license surcharge to provide funds to operate and maintain California’s state parks and wildlife protection programs?

Proposition 22. Prohibits the State From Borrowing Or Taking Funds Used for Transportation, Redevelopment, Or Local Government Projects and Services — State of California (Initiative Constitutional Amendment – Majority Approval Required)
Should the California Constitution be amended to prohibit the state, even during a severe fiscal hardship, from redirecting certain tax revenues dedicated to transportation or local governments?

Proposition 23. Suspends Air Pollution Control Laws Requiring Major Polluters to Report and Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions That Cause Global Warming Until Unemployment Drops to 5.5 Percent Or Less for Full Year — State of California (Initiative Statute – Majority Approval Required)
Should the AB 32 air pollution control law be suspended until unemployment drops to 5.5 percent or less for a full year?

Proposition 24. Repeals Recent Legislation That Would Allow Businesses to Lower Their Tax Liability — State of California (Initiative Statute – Majority Approval Required)
Should recent tax law changes that allow some businesses to pay lower state income tax be repealed?

Proposition 25. Changes Legislative Vote Requirement to Pass Budget and Budget-Related Legislation From Two-Thirds to A Simple Majority. Retains Two-Thirds Vote Requirement for Taxes — State of California (Initiative Constitutional Amendment – Majority Approval Required)
Should the state Constitution be amended to allow passage of budget bills by a simple majority in each house of the state Legislature and should legislators be required to forfeit their pay if a budget is not passed on time?

Proposition 26. Requires That Certain State and Local Fees Be Approved By Two-Thirds Vote. Fees Include Those That Address Adverse Impacts on Society Or the Environment Caused By the Fee-Payer’s Business — State of California (Initiative Constitutional Amendment – Majority Approval Required)
Should the California Constitution be amended to require two-thirds vote approval for the imposition of certain state and local fees that now require majority vote approval?

Proposition 27. Eliminates State Commission on Redistricting. Consolidates Authority for Redistricting With Elected Representatives — State of California (Initiative Constitutional Amendment and Statute – Majority Approval Required)
Should the state Constitution and state laws be amended to eliminate the Citizens Redistricting Commission established by the voters in 2008, return all redistricting to the state Legislature, and change the redistricting criteria?

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  1. Pie Guevara says:

    My ballot is already in the mail, but thanks for the recommendations.

    We are pretty much on the same page except for prop 22 which I am STRONGLY for.

    It is long past time for governments to stop raiding funds voters intended for a specific purpose. To my mind, that is one of the lowest, most despicable, most egregious forms of thieving, backstabbing abrogation of citizens intent and will ever machined.

    Government MUST live within its means, period, not steal funds to cook the books and go against the voters will just because it can.

    Yep, I feel that strongly about Proposition 22. Frankly, I am somewhat surprised you don’t think the same. But hey, maybe that is just me.

    Thanks so much for a wonderful blog. The start of a new revolution may be just a few weeks away, with no small thanks to you folks.

  2. Tina says:

    Pie I agree with you on Prop 22. Legislators stage these raids in order to avoid being responsible in the first place or to cover their exposed butts after the fact! Reminds me of irresponsible teenagers that spend all of an allowance on junk food during the week and then try to raid Mom and Dad’s grocery money for a weekend movie date. If they would stop raiding county money maybe we’d be able to get a few more roads fixed around here.

    Pie we’re thrilled that you enjoy the blog. Don’t ever forget that without people like you who read PS and add your own thoughts this little venture wouldn’t be nearly as interesting, informative or enjoyable! So our thanks go out to you for stepping forward to comment!

  3. Peggy says:

    Agree with you except for Lt. Gov. I wrote in Karen England. Couldn’t bring myself to vote for RINO poster child Maldanado.

    Also, agree with Tina and Pie about Prop. 22. Strongly believe controls should be at the local level and if the state continues to blow our tax dollars and over spend, it should cut back and stop forcing our cities and counties to give back what is rightfully theirs.

    Are you sure about that law suit against the city only being one million dollars? I had heard it was over nine million, unless we’re talking about different ones. The one I heard about, since moving here, was in the Hooker Oaks area, north of East Ave. And the nine million was just for digging up East Ave. to lay all new sewer and water lines. There was another approximate three million for other cost reimbursements. Right or wrong?

  4. Toby says:

    My ballot is also already in the mail, could have used this info a week ago, lol. That’s ok, made me stop and actually read the stupid props. I agree with Pie, next time I will just send him my ballot.

  5. Harriet says:

    I will NOT vote for Maldonado. He is way too liberal for me, and had the deciding vote on raising the sales tax.
    Why he isn’t more forthcoming and just switch to democrat I don’t know.

    I am writing in Karen England

  6. Post Scripts says:

    This was tough for us too Harriet. We think Englund is probably the better choice, but as a write-in candidate she has some very long odds of winning. In the begining it looked like Maldanado was a sure bet and so we went with the CRP choice..taking one for the sake of the party. But, now I am not so sure he will make it. Karen could pull just enough votes away to make him unelectable too, so we both lose. Fortunately this is just a figure head position so it’s probably the least critical of all position up for grabs.

  7. Post Scripts says:

    I know Peggy…I feel your pain! lol This was a hard one to swallow, I admit. We thought we would be taking one for the GOP, but now…well, see my comments to Harriet.

  8. Harriet says:

    I understand your point Jack but do not agree with it. Newsome is a liberal democrat (that is the nicest I can be) but at least we know what he is, Maldonado is a liar, he pretends to be one thing, but acts differently.
    If England can pull enough votes to make a difference then perhaps next election she will run for office.

  9. Peggy says:

    I’m with you Harriet. I’d rather vote for the candidate that reflects my beliefs and values than one that doesn’t. And if enough do the same we could send a loud and clear message for the next election. Would be nice to not have to pick between a demorat and a RINO for our governor and president.

    Besides, the state legislation is still demorat controlled, so we have two figure heads instead of one.

  10. Jorge says:

    I say always vote your heart even if you think your candidate can’t win. Voting for RINO’s got us nowhere. Jack Lee was right when he said we should not vote for Whitman and send a message no more RINO’s! I also think the debates should have a libertarian or who ever is the most popular of the thrid party candidates. Jorge R.

  11. Harriet says:

    jorge, The one thing I like about Meg Whitman is her Business Expertise, before we can do anything we have to have someone that knows business and how to straighten out that mess. There isn’t much else about her that is impressive, but first things first. Most of us already know what Brown will bring.

    Regarding Karen England, before she campaigned for a write in I ws going to leave that block blank.

  12. Post Scripts says:

    Jorge, thank you for your comments. When we do a ballet suggestion it is something we all take a look at and if 2 out of 3 agree it goes up. Personally I see Whitman and Maldanado as RINOs (not Rhino, by the way, as some have posted lol). I’ve stated my objections as clear as I could recently so I won’t be redundant. No more RINOs for me!

    PS Whitman’s business savy is not all that clear. Her last 3 years at eBay were NOT good and her big decisions during that time have since been recinded. She made a lot of blunders, but she still got a golden parachute prize worth I believe about $140 million? Rewarded for making bad decisions…seems to be the way for CEO’s in America. What a country!

  13. Post Scripts says:

    Harriet I thgink Karen England is the better candidate from what little I know…but she sure has long odds of making it. Too bad she didn’t run in the primary.

  14. -Mike says:

    Voting for lame RINOs like Meg Whitman and Abel Maldenado is not going to save California. We need to vote for folks who stand (firmly and honestly) for real reform and for the public interest. Consider Dale Ogden ( ) for Governor and Pam Brown ( ) for Lt. Gov. They both vigorously support Tax Cuts, Spending Cuts, Public Pension Reform, Border Control and Prop. 23 to stop the California’s idiotic version of “Cap & Trade”. Yes they are Libertarians. Even if they don’t get elected this time, the more votes they get, the more the Republican party bosses will stop running RINO candidates. Plus you will be able to be proud of voting for candidates that really support your values.

  15. Tina says:

    Jorge: ” Jack Lee was right when he said we should not vote for Whitman and send a message no more RINO’s!”

    The message is never delivered. Your ballot will not be in the news as a lesson. The more liberal candidates chances to win increases and their power structure is strengthened. The way to send messages is through peer pressure as the TP has done. They have effected ALL of the candidates! If the poressure continues after the election legislation will be too.

    RINO’s will always be with us as will liberals. Our job is to minimize their power by expanding our numbers out here and by being very active and vocal.

    Thanks for joining in our discussions. It’s always interesting to get new palyers.

  16. Tina says:

    Jack: “She made a lot of blunders, but she still got a golden parachute prize worth I believe about $140 million? Rewarded for making bad decisions…seems to be the way for CEO’s in America. What a country!”

    Two things Jack. 1. That’s the way it is with contracts in America, and 2. That’s part of the risk that businesses take when they hire CEO’s. You hope for the best and more often than not it works out.

    I think the overall success of EBAY should be taken into consideration when assessing her value to the company. I also wonder what other factors may have contributed to rescinding what you describe as “her big decisions”. Market forces, changes in governments, economic forces might have played a part. Some of these things cannot be anticipated when decisions are made. (For instance, some of the folks that moved a business across the border into Mexico a few years back may be regretting that decision about now…lol)

  17. Quentin Colgan says:

    Why are you making endorsements for Oroville Mayor?
    Why are you endorsing someone who could not pass a high school civics final?
    Isn’t it important that people IN governemnet know HOW governemnt works?

  18. Post Scripts says:

    Quentin, why would you say something like that?

    Victoria is my friend and has been for many years and I know her as a very bright, capable, individual with many, many years of service to her community.

    She has not only stood up for the community, she has actually put her life on the line for it, as a Deputy Sheriff. She has been very politically active and she has demonstrated good judgement so many times we couldn’t count them all. Victoria would make a fine mayor and you should support her if you want good government.

  19. Steve says:

    I could only assume that someone who spent years in the Sheriff’s department would know better how government works than someone who, what did Quentin do for a living again? Hmmm, not sure I’ve seen that posted. Maybe his campaign isn’t informative enough.

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