Taxpayers in Buffalo School System Ripped-Off!


Posted by Tina

Ever wonder why education costs so much? How about health care? This comes from Buffalo but similar stuff is going on in governments and government run institutions all over America:

Cosmetic surgery costs for Buffalo Public Schools employees have skyrocketed from less than $1 million in 2004 to nearly $9 million last year. The vast majority of those procedures — nine out of 10 of them — were chemical peels, laser hair removal, skin rejuvenation and other skin treatments. All of them were elective procedures that required a doctor’s approval. (Snip) Because the district is self-insured for its cosmetic surgery rider, taxpayers cover the entire cost directly, district officials said. – Buffalo News

Nine Million Bucks! Bet those people could make a few housepayments or put some groceries in the fridge with that back in their pockets! But big bureaucratic government systems work well, right? Those hard earned dollars turned over to government for “THE SCHOOL SYSTEM” is worth it right? Those kids need good lookin’ teachers or they just can’t learn…right?

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