Election Fatigue?

by Jack Lee

Will you be glad to see this election season end? I know I sure will. I’m tired of the fake pollsters calling me at odd hours of the day and night. And I’ve had it with all the slick mailers, deceptive fliers and the barrage of emails asking for more money. And don’t get me started on all those negative ads. This year has been the worst for negative ads – they work like weapons for mutually assured destruction and we wind up being turned off by both sides!

Talk is sure not cheap when it comes to political ads. We’re going to piddle away billions of dollars trying to convince each other to vote for someone or something. This year we had record spending. It’s overkill…way over.

After a certain number of ads maybe 2 or 3, most voters just don’t care to read any more. We all known the ads are so full of distortions and weak promises anyway so they have very little credibility with the voters. I’d say that within 2 months of election day we’ve made up our minds how we want to vote. That means any further ads are pretty much wasted on us. A small fraction of voters are still mystified as to who to vote for when it gets down to the home stretch. Maybe that last minute surge of ads will convince some of them to vote their way, but is it really worth it? How many times does that last many blitz reverrse an election?

Maybe it’s time to stop the giving? The candidates seem not to be using your donations wisely, just look at all the negative ads and of course this last minute blitzing.

If you give them $20, chances are that half of it will be used to ask you for more money. I’m not going to give any more unless I am assured that I won’t be solicited for more money in the future! This doesn’t go for county or municipal candidates, those guys will still get me money, it’s the state and federal candidates that tend to over do it.

Maybe it’s time to say enough of the asking, you guys are learning how to spend like drunken sailors before you even get into office!

I kinda like to mess with the fake polsters because those things are wearing out their welcome fast. Q. Do you believe you can spend your hard earned money better than the government? No. Do you want the oil companies to stick you with the clean up costs from their spills? Yes. Do you believe in freedom? No. Whatever the right answer is I always answer the opposite then I hang up. It’s my way of fighting back.

It’s time for the big state and federal incumbent politicians to taper off off the money grab. As one writer recently said don’t give the #$%@! anything, it only encourages them!

As Peggy (who frequently contributes to ps) reminds us, in another two months its officially starting all over again in the race for the White House.

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6 Responses to Election Fatigue?

  1. Peggy says:

    Don’t mean to spoil everyone’s day, but we get a whole two months off before the 2012 election begins in January.

  2. Harriet says:

    Peggy, was just going to say the same.
    We don’t really get much of a time off do we?

  3. Peggy says:

    Harriet, I’m counting my blessing I have DVR and record or delay most everything I watch, then fast forward through all the commercials.

    Also have voice CID on the phone, and don’t answer calls with any 800 series or numbers I don’t know. Haven’t had one political call.

    After Nov. 3rd I’m turning off the TV and picking up a book to break my addiction!!!

  4. Toby says:

    I am looking forward to seeing Obama work with a Republican majority. I am packing that lunch as I type LOL.

  5. Harriet says:

    Toby, make it a large lunch.,

  6. Post Scripts says:

    Yeah that would good to see Toby. I remember all those empty promises by Obama, like how he was going to be a bi-partisan president, no more lobbyists in the White House, how he was going to veto pork spending and how his adminstration was going to be clean of corruption.. He’s been the most partisan president on record, he has hired lobbyists to be in the White House and lets other lobbyists in all the time, the pork spending has never been worse and as for corruption: Maxine Waters, Charles Rangle, William Jefferson, etc., there’s been so much corruption they wrote a book about it…”Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies ”

    Somehow, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has been able to keep a straight face while decrying the “culture of corruption” among Republicans! In retrospect, the nature of the infractions on which she based the accusation seem almost quaint in comparison to the unfathomable abuses of federal monies and power now occurring under a Democrat controlled Congress and Executive branch.

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