Palin Exposes Corrupt Alaska CBS Affiliate

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3 Responses to Palin Exposes Corrupt Alaska CBS Affiliate

  1. Chris says:

    “Exposes?” Doesn’t that require some kind of evidence, which Palin did not provide and which you have not linked to?

    For those who are interested, Breitbart has the audio. Which means it’s most likely completely out of context.

    From Media Matters:

    Fox News “cannot verify” claims that Fox News’ Sarah Palin made on Fox News Sunday
    October 31, 2010 2:15 pm ET by Jeremy Holden

    Several hours ago on Fox News Sunday, Fox News contributor Sarah Palin claimed that “we have the tape that proves” that local reporters in Alaska were conspiring against Joe Miller, the Palin-endorsed Senate candidate.

    This afternoon, Fox News correspondent Carl Cameron aired a portion of a tape that Andrew Breitbart has posted and which Breitbart claims is a recording of a voicemail that reporters at Alaska’s KTVA left with an aide to Miller’s campaign. Cameron reported that Fox News “cannot verify” what Palin claimed. Cameron also said, “We have not been able to confirm it, nor have we been able to listen to the entirety of the message before the conversation that wasn’t supposed to be recorded.” Cameron further reported that Fox News was “not exactly sure what the authenticity of this is.”

    Fox News did not explain why it aired a portion of an audio whose authenticity it could not verify, or why Sarah Palin, who is employed by Fox News, is allowed to make claims that the network itself cannot substantiate.

    In contrast to Palin’s characterization of the recording, Politico’s Ben Smith wrote, “The transcript does not, in fact, make it terribly clear what they’re talking about.”

    KTVA station manager Jerry Bever subsequently confirmed that “the recording is real,” but he said that the allegations Palin had made about them are false. Bever said, “That phone call was placed near the end of a coverage planning meeting in our newsroom regarding that evening’s Miller rally in downtown Anchorage. The group of KTVA news personnel was reviewing potential ‘what-if’ scenarios, discussing the likelihood of events at the rally and how KTVA might logistically disseminate any breaking news.” Bever further said:

    The perception that this garbled, out of context recording may leave is unfortunate, but to allege that our staff was discussing or planning to create or fabricate stories regarding candidate Miller is absurd. The complete conversation was about what others might be able to do to cause disruption within the Miller campaign, not what KTVA could do.
    Media Matters CEO David Brock released a statement calling on Palin to release the full audio of the tape that she claimed proved that journalists were conspiring to fabricate stories about Miller on Fox News Sunday:

    “Sarah Palin has made serious accusations of journalistic malfeasance. Either Palin accurately described the tapes, or she did not. America’s news consumers need to know the truth about these serious accusations. The public in Alaska needs to know the truth so they are fully and correctly informed before they cast their ballots Tuesday. Palin has a responsibility to release the full, unedited tapes publicly and to all media.”
    Andrew Breitbart’s discredited last night posted what Smith called “a snippet of recorded conversation from the newsroom of the Anchorage CBS Affiliate KTVA.”

    Fox News previously came under criticism and acknowledged a “breakdown” after running with misleading video pushed by Breitbart that smeared former USDA official Shirley Sherrod as a racist.

  2. Tina says:

    Chris: “”Exposes?” Doesn’t that require some kind of evidence, which Palin did not provide and which you have not linked to?”

    After the shenanigans in Alaska that followed the announcement that she would be the VP choice for McCain I have no doubt that what she says is true. Every MSM news outlet sent big teams (not a single reporter) to Alaska. they were talking to everyone, looking through trash cans. They were gunning for her. The lawsuits filed later were also part of the big smear campaign. this from the media that ccould not even be bothered to ask a tough question of the Obama team. Besides as you noted yourself:

    “KTVA station manager Jerry Bever subsequently confirmed that ‘the recording is real'”

    I have no use for the disclaimers and denunciations from media that has been liberally biased, that has plotted against the conservative side and has been spinning for liberal candidates at least since JF Kennedy. Journalistic integrity has been under suspicion for years.

    If this excuse: “The group of KTVA news personnel was reviewing potential ‘what-if’ scenarios, discussing the likelihood of events at the rally and how KTVA might logistically disseminate any breaking news.”

    …might sway me had there been any evidence given of “speculation” about the other candidates.

    I posted this because it was of interest and I knew further information and discussion would likely follow. I don’t need evidence to generally share Palins assessment…call me jaded, I couldn’t care less.

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