Send In The Sanity Clowns!

A selection of photos from the Jon Stewart rally submitted by Pie Guevara :

3713-Stewart Rally-to-Restore-Sanity--005.jpg
3715-Stewart Crime Girl2.jpg
3716-Stewart Rally Beck.jpg
3717-Stewart Rally nut.jpg

Caution: Photo’s under the fold may offend…

3719-Stewart Rallyi-masturbate-and-i-vote.jpg
3720-Stewart Rally Who to Blame.jpg
3721-Stewart Rally Ozzie.jpg
3722-Stewart rallysign legalize polyandry.jpg
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7 Responses to Send In The Sanity Clowns!

  1. Toby says:

    Is that the “critical thinking” liberals are always going on about? What a bunch of dirt bags.

  2. Post Scripts says:

    When we had em all gathered up like that why didn’t we use the nuclear option? lol Just kiddin…

  3. Chris says:

    I despise people putting Hitler mustaches on their political opponents, whether it’s leftists or right-wingers. But this rally was largely satirical. Unlike the Tea Party, or, say, Code Pink, the people at this rally have nothing close to a unified political philosophy. The rally was even split between Stewart’s “Rally to Restore Sanity” and Colbert’s “Keep Fear Alive.” Any attempt to determine a real message here is doomed to fail.

    That said, it looks like it was a blast. Wish I were there.

    I don’t see anything wrong with the other, non-Hitler-stached pictures. I don’t get the “Neutrinos” joke. The “Gay Nazi Mexicans” sign is great satire, though. The masturbation joke is a clear reference to Christine O’Donnel’s nutty (pun intended) anti-masturbation stance. I don’t agree with polyandry, but there aren’t even enough people who do for me to bother being offended by it. And am I supposed to find a picture of Ozzy Osborne offensive in some way? Why?

  4. Tina says:

    Chris: “And am I supposed to find a picture of Ozzy Osborne offensive in some way? Why?”

    I don’t see why you should find any of them offensive…especially since it’s all satire.

    So far I haven’t seen much that was satirical pointed at the left. Guess these mostly young, uninformed, and inexperienced people don’t think Code Pink, for instance, is a group to poke fun at. On the other hand most of what the left has done isn’t in the least bit funny…tragic maybe but not funny!

    The two sign people looked pretty sane. They were apparently on the sanity side but still had nothing to say except maybe “vote”.

    This was a party…a non-event politically.

  5. Pie Guevara says:

    Re: “And am I supposed to find a picture of Ozzy Osborne offensive in some way? Why?”

    Hi Chris!

    As the person who originally submitted these photographs to the comment section of previous blog post I certainly did not expect them to become their own blog entry. I was pleasantly surprised to see them elevated to that status.

    I can assure you that it was not my intent to offend anyone. My only purpose was to amuse and enlighten folks about some of the attendees of the rally. Admittedly, some people may find some of the photographs offensive.

    The photograph of Ozzy Osborne was included for the same reason the other photographs were submitted. I found it amusing (and thought others would also find it amusing) that Ozzy Osbourne would be a featured entertainer at a “Rally to Restore Sanity”.

    Despite the satirical nature of the event, what entertainer could better represent the left wing concept of a “Rally to Restore Sanity” than Ozzy Osbourne?

  6. Chris says:

    Tina, you should watch the Daily Show more often. Stewart does frequently take the left to task. He also makes fun of the lack of journalistic integrity on CNN and the major news networks almost as much as he does FOX News. I’m not sure if he’s ever had a segment on Code Pink, though.

    Pie, I see your point. But I think Tina summed it up when she said:

    “This was a party…a non-event politically.”

    I think this is true, though I’m still not sure how I feel about it. I wonder if maybe something like this could have taken a more serious tone…I think it could have had a chance if it were just Stewart, but Colbert wouldn’t break character if he had a gun to his head and his fans are a bit fanatical as well, so once they got involved it was pretty much a free-for-all.

    Anyway, those are my rambly thoughts for the evening. I worked all day, then stood in line for an hour and a half to vote (which I’m sure I will find pretty awesome later on, when I’m not so tired) and then had to register for my classes for next semester, and I didn’t feel prepared for any of those tasks today.

    Now excuse me while I pass out. 🙂

  7. Tina says:

    Chris I hope you come back tomorrow well rested after your tough day today. Thank you for voting. At this hour I’m a bit done in myself after a very long day.

    I wish I had a few more hours each day. If I did watching Jon Stewart might make it onto my list of the top 100 things to do 😉

    My problem with a person like Stewart, and I admit I haven’t watched much so I could be off base here, is that his humor and satire may be hilarious, especially to young minds, but it does little to instruct in any positive way. In fact it most likely perverts or corrupts more often than not. This I think is a great diservice to young people…just MHO. I long for the days when humorists could be counted on to impart a little wisdom along with the laughs.

    I too am done in and ready to catch a few zzzzzzzzzzzzz’s…catch ya on the flip side!

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