“I’ll Be Sorry Mommy”

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by Tina Grazier

I was camping with my family a few years back when a drama began to unfold in the neighboring camp. A three year old was running from his mother around the picnic table and through the trees. He was screaming, “I’ll be sorry, Mommy, I’ll be sorry.” Obviously this mother had warned her child before…and followed through on her promise to punish bad behavior!

Well kiddies, it is now D-Day in America for all incumbants. It’s time for errant servants of the people to begin cry and beg in earnest for another chance as they attempt to hold on to their seats in Congress. Yes, D-Day, the day they make their most desperate pleas to manipulate the intentions of voters. Harry Reid, for example, is promising to push immigration reform through the lame duck Congress. Lame is right! This is like that naughty little boy pleading with his mommy…”I’m sorry…I promise I’ll listen to you now…please, please, just give me another chance! Whaaaaa”

Sorry Harry. Maybe you should have listened and responded like a responsible adult when you had the chance. Maybe you should have behaved like an honorable and dedicated servant of the people instead of a haughty, smart-a**ed, power hungry brat.

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