Operation Black Storm

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4 Responses to Operation Black Storm

  1. Pie Guevara says:


  2. Post Scripts says:

    Loved it, excellent, excellent and excellent! This has to be very disturbing to those racist democrats that have kept black people down thru welfare entitlements.

  3. CLOVA says:

    This is a powerful ad. I wish it could have been on TV. I have had the pleasure of meeting Star Parker. She is an impressive young lady with a powerful story. I hope she is among tonight’s winners. Van Tran is another who should do well.
    If people took the time to hear others like J.C. Watts they would understand why this vote today is not about racial or identity politics. It is about the sovereignty and economics of this country. Government should not be in the business of picking winners and losers. One big world bank is not the answer to freedom.

  4. Tina says:

    Nicely said, Clova!

    I was very impressed with this ad. I can’t help thinking that if these candidates were Democrats their individual bids for election would be making headline news. That they are relatively unknown throughout the land says something (bad) about our press and the opposition party.

    I first became aware of Star Parker quite a few years ago and I enjoy her writing. It blew me away that I didn’t know she was running for congress until I stumbled on this video.

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