The Economy…STUPID!


Posted by Tina

They said it before…why are they puzzled now…and why haven’t they learned:

“Heading into what appears to be a disastrous midterm election, the Obama Democrats profess to be puzzled. The president’s record, they insist, is moderate, accommodating — if anything, overcautious. So why do most American voters seem to be angrily rejecting it? ** That’s one way of looking at it. Another way is to say that the Obama administration and the Democratic Congress have increased government’s share of gross domestic product from 21 percent, where it’s hovered for the last several decades, to about 25 percent and have put the national debt on a trajectory to increase from 40 to 90 percent of GDP.” (emphasis mine)- Michael Barone – Real Clear Politics

That’s bad news but this kind of news, news we’ve heard month after month for over 18 months, should also have given Democrats a clue:

As the BBC points out, “US personal income registered an unexpected fall in September, while consumer spending was also weak, data from the Commerce Department shows.”

Stories like that help to explain this poor woman’s lot in life since Democrats started “fixing” things:

“A struggling mom who wrote to President Obama about her financial hardship and received a handwritten response from him saying, “Things will get better!,” has had to sell the letter to an autograph dealer to help pay for a house.Jennifer Cline, 28, from Monroe, Mich., wrote to Obama describing how she and her husband had lost their jobs in 2007. She wrote, “I lost my job, my health benefits and my self-worth in a matter of five days.”Then she was diagnosed with two types of skin cancer, and she had no health insurance.” – New York Post

I’ll bet the uncertainty in the health care industry has rocked her world too. It is the economy…stupid! And PS, it’s a lot more!

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3 Responses to The Economy…STUPID!

  1. asking says:

    Don’t people know the president can’t control the economy?

  2. Tina says:

    Asking, the answer to your question is yes but what you imply with your question, that the President has no control, is only partially right!

    First of all what I posted wasnt directed at the President alone but the entire Democrat Party. President Obama did not write the laws that have killed our chances for a strong economic recovery but he certainly has signed legislation that did. He also has economic advisors that are sold on the Keynsian spending agenda for recovery that is proving to be disastrousjust as many of us said it would.

    The point of this post is to highlight the negative effect this Democrat favored policy has had on the economy and on the American people. We need to put on the breaksNOWand turn in a direction that puts the people in power. The people will turn the economy around if allowed to do so. That means less government spending and growth and more private investment and spending. Tax cuts for all Americans and reasonable regulation will give the American people the confidence they need to risk and grow our economy.

    Government serves us best when it is lean, mean, and supportive of ALL of the people.

  3. Post Scripts says:

    ASKING: I would like to insert my 2 cents worth on this one (Jack here). The president sets the overall agenda and then he makes requests of Congress to pass the appropriate legislation. Then it’s up to Congress to follow through or not, depending on how they view the proposed agenda. If they come up with a bill that passes the House and the Senate then it goes to president for consideration. He then signs the bill into law or not, depending on what he thinks of it.

    The president has enormous power to exert (bully pulpit) and therefore he can heavily influence economic agendas or exert very little influence and leave it up to his people in Congress to do. So to say the president does not control the economy is factually incorrect. He does to a certain degree. Of course he doesnt hold complete sway, nor maybe not even 10% sway, but what he does hold is often enough to influence the nations outcome quite a bit. We understand that the economy is a force unto itself and it can only be directed a few degrees right or left, up or down, however you wish to see it. In some years the dye is set before the president takes office and he is forced to endure the consequences of the mistakes made by the prior president who got out just in time!

    In most cases we see government as the problem not the solution when it comes to matters of our economy. We know all too well that government is in the habit of passing restraints on business, not clearing the way for business. And because of this long history of government meddling and restraining, we now tend to take a skeptical look at whatever the government proposes to help.

    In the case of Obama he inherited many economic forces already in play, some caused by Bush, some exacerbated by Bush, and the same can be said for Congress. And then some problems were just forces that neither Bush or Congress had control over. The housing bubble was a global problem, but our gov.watchdogs failed us when they could have eased the pain by alerting us to dangers far sooner. The free market banking leaders failed us because they used deceptive and sometimes highly questionable business practices to satisfy their greed, such as the infamous 5 star bundled CDO’s which were not even close to 5 stars. There are many culprits that led to worlds great recession since the great depression. Some were republicans, some were democrats and some were just plain crooks. There are books written about whom to blame, but consider this the short version! : )

    Does this begin to answer your question?

    And also ad in what Tina said!

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